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"Jackson?" I questioned. "Am I supposed to know who you are?"
The new guy who's in love with me already sighed forlornly.
"No, I suppose not. But I'm in love with you, obviously."
To my surprise and borrow, my uglier identical twin showed up, a twin bite marks on the side of her neck.
"Sister, I need your help," said Madison. "Zayn asked me to marry him in place of you- I'm the second choice. He's been sucking my blood, and not in the sexy way. I need to be free of him."
"Back up," said Jackson. "There's a sexy way to drink blood? Also, who's Zayn?"
"One Direction." I said, deadpan. The whole world is practically in love with him, I was sure even this rando would know who he is. Sure enough, his face lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Holy shit, you mean Zayn Malik? God, you're even hotter now that I know I have competition."
"Actually, that's a very damaging perspective, both for yourself and the women around you. Viewing things as only inherently valuable if they are wanted by others prevents you from seeing the beauty in small moments, from being truly happy." Added Madison Beer.
"Shut the fuck up, slut." Said Jackson. "I'm talking to your hot sister."
"Yeah Madison," I chimed in. "Slut."
Jackson flashed that troublemaker grin that mad my knees shaking and my uterus quivering.
"I think it's time Zayn gets a surprise."

Sold into Heaven: A SequelWhere stories live. Discover now