Shh! Don't Tell

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December 5, 2014
Dear Diary,
I am now 14, in grade 9, and living in Cardston.
So there's this really cute boy that goes to my school. His name is Sydney. He moved from Calgary to here just over a year ago. When I first met him he wasn't anything special. He is actually my best friends cousin.
Overtime I got to know him, and now - as you have probably have already figured out - I have a huge crush on him! He's is so handsome, with his chiseled face, built body, blonde hair, and these amazing blue/turquoise eyes that just make me melt!
Well I went to a movie with him today. We went to see Mockingjay part 1. The movie itself was okay, (not as good as the book), but what happened during the movie was great. Sydney, Mike (my guy best friend), Dawn (one of my closest friends), Mike's mom, and Dawn's parents went with me to the movie. Syd, Mike, me and Dawn sat in one row, and their parents sat in front of us.
Before the movie started, this couple sitting behind us that was one of our friends parents, said that they were going to do a hand check every five minutes. I knew they were kidding, but then at the same time I knew they weren't.
About half way through the movie, I felt something hit my foot. I thought Syd was touching my foot by accident. After a little bit I figured out he was doing it on purpose. I could feel my face turn red, but I didn't have to worry about it, because we were in the dark. All I could think about was, "Is he really playing footsies with me!?" After a while I started doing it back to him.
After the movie ended I walked out of the theatre with a huge smile on my face. Dawn saw me and asked me why I was smiling. I just turned to her and told her she probably didn't want to know. But she did. When I told her what happened during the movie, she just turned to me and said, "Well I didn't need to know that!" I just laughed and smiled.
After the movie, we all went over to Dawn's house. We ended up playing pool, boys against girls. Dawn and I won both times, because the boys sunk the eight ball both times.
What's funny is Mike nicknamed me Lucky, and ever since then I always have the best luck around him, and he has the worst luck. After pool we just sat on the couches and talked. it was mostly just me and Dawn whispering to each other, and then Mike and Syd were talking to each other.
After a while I overheard Syd say, "But she didn't really do anything back." I knew exactly what they were talking about. That little liar! I then said, "Really Syd, really." His face turned red. He knew he had been caught, but then he smiled and winked at me. He did know I did it back, just wasn't telling Mike that. Mike looked at me puzzled. I started to laugh.It turns out it was actually Mike's idea, and he was doing to Syd what Syd was doing to me. That kind of ruined it a little, but I still enjoyed it.
It's getting super late! I better go to bed.
Good night Diary,
~ Joy

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