Best Day of The Week

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January 13, 2015
Dear Diary,
The seminary challenge this week is super hard. We aren't allowed to go on social media. So I haven't been on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Snapchat for two full days now. It's been hard, especially because Syd is trying to get me out. He keeps texting me on Facebook messenger. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the reason I get out.
Today was a pretty fun day. I really really love Tuesday. I have all of my favorite classes, and I have young women's on Tuesday. The only thing I hated about young women's today, was that we had a planning meeting for the next four months. We all met at my leaders house and discussed what we wanted to do while we ate popcorn.
After school today, Mike and Becca came over. We made chicken enchiladas, and they tasted amazing.
While they were over, my little brothers wouldn't leave us alone. They were being so annoying and clingy.
The missionaries came over for dinner. They are the funniest missionaries that I've met. (Plus they are good looking.)
Good night Diary,
~ Joy

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