Day 6

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December 18, 2014
Dear Diary,
Today was a pretty fun day. I'm so glad I only have one more day left of school. There is only two days left till Syd gets back, and Rob and Mark come to visit for the holidays!
I went to the doctors office today to check out my weird skin condition on my head. I have to use this weird ointment next Monday that is going to make my hair greasy and gross, plus I won't be able to shower for three days. It's going to suck, I'm just glad I can do it during the holidays when I will only be around family!
After I got back from my appointment, it was lunch time. Brooke and I went over to Syd's house, and I hid his Christmas presents on his desk.
Today there was jazz band, but Brooke and I skipped, because we just really weren't in the mood! Plus both of our throats were hurting.
Instead we went to Syd's house with plans to watch a movie. But Brooke's grandma wanted her to come home. So we just went over, played with the cats, and then we walked to her house.
When we got to her house we started to watch Mission Impossible with Tom cruise. I had to leave on a cliffhanger.
I went home and made spaghetti. right before I finished making it, Brooke called and asked me if I wanted to go skating. I didn't know for sure, because my hip had been hurting all day. But I decided to go. Mae's family ended up going too. It was a lot of fun. For the last fifteen minutes we played tag, and I had two good falls. By the end I was laughing like there was no tomorrow.
After we went skating we went over to Brooke's and finished the movie. I loved it!
When I got home I texted Syd, and doodled till 11.
At 11 I realized that I had early morning seminary at 7 the next day. I ran around my house and got ready for bed.
I probably shouldn't be writing this cause it's so late.
Good night Diary,
~ Joy

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