❁chapter five: the library visit❁

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It was the next day. I decided to go to the library like I do every other week. I figured I just need a detox but honestly I just needed time to myself to think about... things. I walk in and get greeted by the old lady upfront. "Happy Sunday, Emery" She said lifting her glasses up to remain eye contact. I smile and nod as I make my way to the teen novels section while I search for a new book. Suddenly I see a tall guy with broad shoulders. His hood covered the majority of his face.  He kept following me asile to asile. I got more and more uncomfortable as time went by. My attempt to escape him backfired as I reach to get a book and head out, he offered to get it for me, as I was too short to reach it.
"Uhm do you need help, there?" He asked. I know these words. Oh. My. God. "Here." He says in such a stern voice. "T-thank you." I try to grab the book from him but his grip was so strong. Suddenly a rush of familiarity rushed through my body. I've felt this feeling before. Have I met this person before? Once I got the book out of his hands, he walked away. I catch up to him. I touch his shoulder. "Wait" I exclaim in a rather loud voice considering we're in a library. He turns around and his eyes brought chills down my spine. He pulls his hood down. "Yes?" He says with a smirk. "I know you from som-" No way. "E-ethan?" I somehow successfully muttered out. "Emery!" He smiled. "I love you." "N..no you d-dont." He grabbed my hand. "But I do. I have for a while but I new if I told you how I felt things would get worse, so I waited till you were a legal age." I knew it. "I wasnt your soulmate at first. But things change. This is just how I imagined it, Emery!!" He said raising his voice. I giggle. "Ethan!! Shush" I grab his hand and we walk out to the parking lot. My parents dropped me off, so he took me home. "Emery.."  He said, his hand touching mine. I cant believe this is freaking happening. "Yes.." "You have no idea how long I've waited to tell you I love you." His eyes began to water. "This is all I've ever wanted." I smile at the thought of me effecting him. "Ethan I- I don't know what to say.. I love you too but why is all of this so sudden?I dont know what to think" His hand went from touching my hand to now touching my face. I couldn't tell if I was hot because he was touching me or because his hand was so hot. "Do you accept me, Emery?" "Yes, Ethan Grant." He kissed my forehead. And the whole drive was silent. Not one of those weird silents, though. A good one. Once we arrived he ruffled his hair with his fingers. "Oh and one more thing" I looked at him with the door in my hand, slightly open. "You cant tell anyone about this. Were going through this together." I smile in recognition. "You're right, Ethan."
"Goodbye, princess."
"Goodbye, Grant."

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