Chapter 1: A Stupid Prince Crashes Our Party

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Again: Rick the Troll owns the characters.


Reyna POV (A/N: Yes, this is a Solangelo fic that starts out with neither of the main characters' POV. Bear with me, please. We'll get there, I promise.)

Everything was going fine for the rebellion against the tyrannical king until the prince strutted in, claiming he had intel we needed. Claiming he could get us supplies. Claiming he could save us all. What the hell did he think he was doing, waltzing in here like he owned the place? I'm the one that built this rebellion from the dirt up, and I'm the one who's killed and fought and rioted so that it would be successful one day.

It doesn't help that personally; I've never liked the guy. He looks exactly like a young version of his father, sun-gold hair and bright shining blue eyes, which was reason enough for me to hate him. And that's ignoring the fact that he's royalty—the very group of people we want to destroy. Not to mention, he claimed to know about our camp for weeks before coming, which was downright creepy. It led me to wonder if that intel he had was on the king or his armies—or if it was on us.

But we couldn't let him go back to the castle and risk him throwing some royal temper tantrum, so we took him prisoner yesterday. And today, while interrogating him, his arrogant grin finally sobered as he told us about the "intel."

"The king's going to attack Heraizdawurst Bay, and when he does, the Aguanians are going to ambush them. It's going to be a massacre."

As leader of the camp (and possibly of the rebellion—we hadn't heard from the official leader in months, which didn't bode well), I rubbed my temples and pressed him for more information. "What does that have to do with us?"

"Because you can go in afterwards and take the supplies you need—I know you've been low—because the Aguanians won't be taking it. They're going to try to go north, through the mountains. They won't be able to carry much."

I took him in for the first time. His eyes were serious, his form stiff and worried. His hands—which weren't calloused like all of ours, go figure—were fidgeting with the end of the top which tied them behind his back. If he was going to spy for us, he would be a good one. No one would suspect the prince. More likely, however, the king had run out of legitimate spies since he's fighting the Aguanians at the same time, and the prince was some sort of joke.

I stood up. "And if it's a trap?"

His gaze followed me. "It's not one. I know I can't prove that very well—but I promise, he's going to attack the bay in four days, and if we're not down there directly afterwards, the civilians will probably take all the supplies they leave behind, which wouldn't be the end of the world but seeing as you haven't received fresh blankets or clothes in months, it might be the end of the rebellion."

My stare bore into him. "And why should I be listening to you, Princey, instead of running my sword directly through your heart?"

He shrugged. "You were already listening to me. Whatever reason you had to listen five seconds ago can't be that different from now. I assume you didn't kill me so you'll have bargaining power later with the king, which is fair if not a little offensive."

I raised my eyebrow. "Offensive?"

He looked exasperated. "I can fight, you know. I could be a real part of the rebellion."

I narrowed my eyes, not falling for his little charade like he apparently wanted me to. "Not while you're the prince, you can't be."

I left the tent as Thalia, my girlfriend, was about to enter. She kissed me quickly, leaving me unable to focus and with butterflies in my stomach. She smiled. "Hi, Reyna. May I have a word with you? I think we'll have a source of new supplies in the next few days."

I froze for a moment before sighing. "Let me guess. Heraizdawurst bay?"

She tilted her head to the side. "How did you know?"

So yes. Our camp had been doing fine until this arrogant little know-it-all named Prince William showed up one day to turn everything around. And while no, we were not going to go to Heraizdawurst Bay, I had a feeling that Princey would be very valuable in the future.

To the Sun, to the Stars, to the Sky (A Soldier/Rebellion AU)Where stories live. Discover now