Chapter 23: That Awkward Moment When You Kill Your Boyfriend's Dad

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Nico POV

I was terrified. Terrified I wouldn't heal correctly, sure, but more so that I would let in the visitors and finally be punished for my crimes. That Will⁠—no, King William⁠⁠—would come in, and he would look at me with the eyes of someone in mourning, and it would be my fault. I killed the king. I killed his father.

My breath caught and I rolled over in the hospital bed. I winced as my wound screamed in pain.

I hadn't been planning on killing him. I just wanted to get Will out of there, and then the king told me to kill my own boyfriend. I knew I couldn't do that. I knew I could never hurt Will, so I found the only other solution I could think of in the circumstances. Goad the king into getting closer, then stab him.

I could've stabbed his leg. Then I could've gagged and kidnapped him, like Reyna and her team were going to. His death was unnecessary.

Guilt closed up my throat but I refused to cry. This is my own fault; I have no right to cry. God, I killed the king. And as if that wasn't horrible enough, he was my boyfriend's father.

I knew it would catch up to me. All of this, it was the result of my own stupid actions. I was a soldier; I never should've abandoned my position. The rebellion would've been fine without me. I only caused unnecessary death and mourning. Reyna and Thalia had had too much faith in me. I'm no rebel; I'm not smart enough. I'm not brave enough. I have the instincts of a soldier. Kill the problem. Kill the king. God dammit.

I told the nurse no visitors. I couldn't stand to see their faces when they saw me, knowing what I'd done. Knowing who I had somehow become.


Third last chapter. This one and the next chapter is quite short, but don't worry, the last one is longer.

And I believe Sunny and I will be doing another story together.

It's in the works.

- Chris

To the Sun, to the Stars, to the Sky (A Soldier/Rebellion AU)Where stories live. Discover now