Chapter 16- The meeting

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Lynx POV

"That was incredible!" I said landing to the grounds of the manor

"It was! I can't believe we did it!-"We're awesome!" Draco said

"I think we should sleep now, if not, they will notice we weren't here, particularly mom, she knows us really well" Draco suggested

"We should, go back to your room I'll be fine, when father come I will hide the blankets and the pillow" I said

"I don't want to leave my little sister here" Draco said dramatically

"Shut up, fool, you're just 2 minutes bigger than me" I said throwing him the pillow, both of us chuckled

"I'm still bigger"-"Till 'tomorrow', little sister" Draco said heading to the entrance of the manor

"Wait! Please bring my broom and my wand to the house"-"The broom, leave it where it was and the wand leave it lying somewhere" I requested

"You still need me, little sister" Draco said taking my broom and my wand

"You'd wish" I said

"Night" and he went inside to the house.

I was really tired, when I laid on the grass I immediatly fell asleep.


Lynx POV

I woke up with the feeling of  something soft sneaking around my face. I opened my eyes little by little, I saw a peacock

"Shu, shu, go away!" And it immediatly went

I sat down and I noticed that the light of the room of my parents was on, that meaned, they would go downstairs any time. I quickly stood up, but I got dizzy that happens when I stand up very quickly.

I took the blankets and the pillow and hid them behind a bush that was near and I laid in the grass again, 'falling' asleep. The grass was wet and with some frost, it was an disgusting feeling.

The funny thing is that I really fell asleep, I was tired since I didn't slept well.


"How you dared, Lucius?!"-"She's a girl, she's curious" Narcissa Malfoy said raving mad, shuting the doors of the manor and shouting to her husband. She had a blanket in her hand

"It's a punishment, Narcissa! What she did it's completely unacceptable!" Lucius Malfoy said

"You're wrong!"- "What you did is unacceptable"

Lynx POV

I opened my eyes at a soft touch, my mother's one

"Are you okay, my baby?" She asked wrapping the blanket around my body 

"You're frozen" My mom said removing some frost from my hair

"I'm fine, mom" I said hugging her

"I can't believe you did this, Lucius, how could you?!"

"I'm sorry, but look at her, she's fine, Narcissa"-"She needed to be punished" My father said

"You could've tell me!"-"What if she was dead because of the cold? What you would've done? Apologise?" My mom said carrying me up from the ground, I didn't thought she was that strong, I wasn't as light for her.

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