Chapter 1

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Percy pov

                     I stood on the beach looking over the ocean that seemed so peaceful at the moment.Most people compare my eyes to  the ocean and normally their not wrong.

But right now my eyes didn't resemble the sea in the in the slightest.They looked like an sorrowful storm and the tears rolling down my cheeks were the raindrops.

Why am I crying you ask? In a matter of weeks the majority of Camp Half Blood turned against me for my half brother, Nathan.

When he got here he was charming, nice, and a little shy but by his third day nasty rumors started spreading about me and at the end of his first week 1/4 of the camp hated me.

By his first month I would've been a complete loner if not for Piper,Jason, Clarisse,Chris Conner,Travis,Rachel,Grover, and Katie, and I know what your thinking did Leo, Hazel and Frank all abandon me to.

Well the answer to that is no.After the quest Hazel and Frank went back to Camp Jupiter and after about 5 months so did Leo where he started dating Reyna.

It's not like they don't visit because they do it's just they can't visit frequently because two out of four are preators.

So if it wasn't for Jason,Piper,Rachel,Conner, Travis, Katie,Clarisse,Chris, Grover and Thalia and Nico when they visit.Don't even get me started on my dad.

If one toe touches the ocean the whole thing will go berserk so I settle for just standing on the beach.It's not the same but what can I do I'm just one demigod.

What's that? You asked about Annabeth? Well she dumped me a few days ago for Nathan and I let her go.What's the point of a relationship if everybody in it isn't happy.

“Perce."A soft voice called from behind me snapping me out of my thoughts of Annabeth.I turned my head to spot Thalia Grace one of my bestfriends and lieutenant of the Hunter's of Artemis.

“Hi Thals."I whispered as she walked forward.“What are you doing out here this late."She asked her electric blue eyes glancing towards the ocean.

“I started sleeping near Zeus's Fist and I decided to stop here before heading to bed."I said my voice barely above a whisper.

“What are they doing to you Percy." She sighed brushing some of my hair out of my face and looking me in my bloodshot eyes.

“I'm fine Thalia."I lied gently pushing her hand away.No matter whatever happen I would never get mad at Thalia.She only ever looked out for me and what she thought to be my best interest.

“No your not Percy especially not after that stone cold bitch broke your heart."Thalia snarled.

“Don't talk about her like that Thalia,she's your best friend."I murmured.“How can somebody you don't know be your bestfriend."She muttered.

“Look what we have here."An obnoxious voice called from behind us and Thalia stilled.“Go away fuck tard."She snapped at Nathan without turning around.

“And who's gonna make me."He taunted and Thalia's fist balled so tight her knuckles turned even paler then her skin.

“Say one more thing to my sister and I will."Jason's voice said from behind him in the shadows and the first smile in weeks slipped onto my face as Nathan paled.

“Jace what are you doing up."Nathan asked smiling turning around to face him.“Only my friend's and family call me Jace so that means you can't call me Jace,Nathan."Jason said stepping past him and heading towards us.

“Why are you up."Thalia asked.“I woke up to find you were gone so I came to find you to make sure that you were alright."Jason said blowing some of his blonde hair out of his eyes but it fell back into his eyes.

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