Japan (1)

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~Dark night Six months ago in London~

Goddess! Don't you die on me!"

The first vampire roared in anger and stretched his mind out to send his shadows to lift her from the debris. Yet in his moment of madness his mind also called for all the blood spilt in the streets. The blood of thousands answered Vampire King's will and poured across the ground to pool at his feet. There were thirty thousand souls trapped and entering him, to do as he willed. He became drunk on the blood and it was as if the world stopped moving compared to his speed of mind.

His shadows raised the rubble from off Gale's body and pulled her limp, bruised body to him. The pooling blood flowed into Alucard and then back out his mouth as he placed Gale's mouth to his. He began to feed her the blood filtered through him. He didn't know if it would work but she would die if he didn't try and she was not a virgin so the other option was not the answer. The first vampire let his power flow with the blood and he hoped some part of his power would revive her as the last faint beat of her heart entered his ears.

The darkness greeted Gale and she could see nothingness. Was this Alucard's doing she thought?

Was she dead now?

She thought she must be dead but no light at the end of the tunnel came. It was a black abyss circling with dark shadows then slowing the sounds of screams filled the space. It was the sound of the dead crying out in abject terror for they were trapped in Alucard and it was then Gale truly saw how monsterous Alucard really was. Hands, upon hands reached for her and tugged at her as the screams increased into a deafening sound like a hurricane wind.

Gale closed her eyes and screamed like she had never before. Her eyes opened to Alucard stroking her cheek and cooing to her, that she was safe and sound. That she was healed even and that she was his precious goddess.

In a faint voice she whispered, "Alucard what have you done? Why is there screaming in my head?"

"My dear girl, that would be the souls I have taken that you hear. Close your eyes and sleep. They will die out soon enough shadow queen...."

~The Present Musutafu~

A tall, Platinum blonde woman, hair pulled up in a bun with chopsticks and no makeup entered a club owned by Present Mic. The woman was dressed in black with a trenchcoat. She had just arrived from London, England. The place was packed but she saw a familiar face. It was her friend and fellow musician, Rick.

"Gale! When did you arrive in Japan?"

"About an hour ago. I had to get my mini Cooper out of storage..."

"This is Present Mic and owner of the club," said Rick excitedly.

Gale shook Hizashi's hand. In perfect Japanese, she said, " A pleasure to meet you."

"It's all mine Miss..." Hizashi replied with a grin.

"Ms. Gale Force..."

"When did you become Ms.?" Rick asked.

"It's a very long and stupid story mixed with heartache,"Gale said with a frown.

"Got it, you have the worst luck with men," Rick laughed.

"No, I'm on strict, no man meat for a while," Gale smirked.

"You haven't lost that sass," Rick laughed in return. "So still a musician?"

"What do you need?" she frowned now.

"A second guitarist, vocals and occasional drums," Rick smiled.

"In other wise a whole fucking band," she hissed.

"Gale language! No. Just you,"Rick replied.

"When is the gig and where?" Gale sighed.

"On Friday at 8 here..."

"Okay so what type of music?" Gale raised an eyebrow.

"Oh AC DC, Motley Crue...songs about sex..."

"Give me the list of songs Rick," Gale had an exhausted look.

"I'll text it, go get some sleep..."

"Yeah, first day at work tomorrow," Gale yawned.

Hizashi asked,"Where are you working?"

Gale studied the man, "U.A. High..."

"Well I'm a teacher there! Nice to meet you before the other teachers! You're the world history teacher?"

"And I'm a student teacher under Mr. Aizawa for training," Gale smiled.

"Oh dear!" Mic shouted out loud.

"Oh dear? Come again?" Gale said stoic like.

"Aizawa is strict and can be hard to work with. Tough but good teacher."

"Swell...I gotta get some sleep to face Sensei Aizawa tomorrow," Gale yawned again. "Good to see you Rick. Good night all."

Hizashi texted Shouta Aizawa. "Just met with the new history teacher! She's so hot she doesn't need makeup!"

"What? Who?" Aizawa texted back.

"Ms. Gale Force!"

"If you are head over heels for her, then I won't be..."

"Shouta! Give her a chance! Hey! She's a musician too."

"Great..."Aizawa grumbled.

"I'll send you a sneak photo of her."

"Don't care, bye," Then Shouta went back to grading papers.

Shouta opened up the attached photo. The light was poor so he didn't think she was hot. There was something that bothered him. She was not quite right, it looked like a shadow partially hid her.

What were her quirks?

Gale left the club and headed to a small house, she would be living in. It had a big backyard for her and Baskerville. The dog was her service dog due to extreme trauma six months ago.

"Gale, how are you doing?" asked the huge black dog with six red eyes, in a soft voice.

"I'm okay. I got railroaded for a gig at the club on Friday," she sighed heavily.

"It will be alright, Alucard is contained..."

Baskerville rested his head on her thigh as she drove. Sir Intrega had given the hellhound to aid Gale and run interference with Vampire King. Baskerville was familiar with the vampire.

"I hope so. Met one of the teachers from UA. My teacher I am working under, is not a nice one," Gale sighed.

"If this doesn't work, I will stay with you no matter what."

"Thank you Basker."

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