Second Day (5)

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Gale walked into her classroom with Baskerville in a harness and held by the woman. She senses Bakugo. "Good morning Bakugo," in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, uh... Ms. Force did Mr. Aizawa cut you from being a student teacher?"

"I am unaware if so...why? I should think perhaps you would think for the better," Gale laughed.

"Shoto did a search on the London disaster and what it was like. Eraserhead doesn't get it like you do. He gets mad but doesn't explain a lot," Bakugo said in a low voice.

""I see..."Gale lifts her finger to her lips. "Bakugo your being rude and disrespectful!"

Gale waved her hand, "Pretend to be mad at me."

"Ms. Force you couldn't teach me anything I don't already know!"

Gale puts her thumb and looks at Bakugo.

He nodded his head.

"Bakugo take your seat now!"

Of course Deku is the first in class, hearing the yelling followed by grouchy Sensei Aizawa. Its amazing how fast Shouta Aizawa can move if he really wants to at school.

"Bakugo issues again today?"

"Yeah! She thinks she knows how to train and I need to listen to her!"

Gale turned to Shouta and bowed. "Good morning Sensei Aizawa."

"Ms. Force you are too happy in the morning." Shouta grumbled. "Bakugo! Do you need a detention?"

Gale put her fingers behind her back and did a thumbs up. "Sensei I would expect nothing less from him. Debate is a good skill to learn.."

"Debate with Bakugo? Try argumentative..."

"No, debate with passion!" Gale shakes her fist to make her point.

Aizawa gives Gale a glare,"Fffpt...sure... whatever. Just keep it down, I'm trying to teach."

"Of course Sensei..."

Shouta leaves to his classroom.

Gale quietly asks, " Is he like that constantly?"

Bakugo snorted, "Yeah. "

"Hmm shall I be an 'ass' and wake him up?" Gale snickered.

The class just blinked at her.

Gale walked over and produced an electronic guitar. She tuned the guitar and turned the amp on. She set up so she could play the drums and bass, as a recording. The woman jumped up on an empty desk and began to play 'Unforgiven' by Metallica.

Gale walked from desk to desk and sang as she played the guitar solo in the middle of the song. She cranked it loud and danced across the desks. She finished the song as the tardy bell rang. Gale did a flip and landed on her desk. She blinked dumbly as Shouta stormed into her classroom.

"Ms. Force! This a school not a rock concert! You will refrain from doing that! I don't give a rat's ass if you playing Present Mic's club on Friday!" he yelled.

Gale was still standing on her desk. She got down and bowed to Shouta. "Forgive the noise. You seem quite tired and coffee didn't seem to be working."

He grumbled, "You are a student teacher not a personal assistant!"

"Yes of course Sensei..."

Shouta stomped off.

"Ms. Force I believe that is the most awake Mr. Aizawa had ever been." Mina said.

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