Judas Priest (13)

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Gale was in the middle of sharing stories, when her eye caught sight of a tall, blonde priest with a scar.

"Ah shit! Not him!"Gale half yelled. "Excuse me for a moment."

"Oh the priest is a friend?"

"No an enemy, he wants me dead..." Gale groaned.

"Oh! "said Midnight.

Gale rushed through the glass doors,"Aizawa get Nezu!"

"Your legs work," he glared. He was still pissed about earlier.

"I have Paladin Anderson to contend with. He's sworn to chop my head off and send it to Alucard is all..." Gale said anxiously. "Keep any students away."

All Might cracked a door as Gale approached the priest. "Well Father Anderson, it's such a fine day to meet up. You should have called."

"Well if it ain't the blood sucking demon's whore! Giddle,  I'm sending your head back gift wrapped and then when Alucard opens the box, I'll kill him too, you bloody Hethen!"

Gale shouted, "Anderson stop saying his name! He might hear ya and teleport here!"

"Hmp I would expect lies from the whore of Babylonian!" Anderson said.

"So I got a promotion? From Jezebel to whore of Babylon, big leap in the hate department," Gale rolled her eyes.

Midnight nudged All Might, "What are they saying?"

"Blood sucking demon and whore of Babylon," All Might replied. "Oh now something about Protestant fuck buckets. He has a heavy Irish accent."

Midnight tapped her lip, "They don't seem to like each..."

Aizawa had Nezu in tow, as Anderson pulled his Bible out and began monologuing. The pages flew out then up to cover the glass doors and windows. Shouta had a gut feeling of not a good sign but Nezu seemed unfazed.

Gale snarked,"Neat trick Papist...I'm not a vampire so it won't work on me."

"The pages still bind doors and windows inaccessible to get through..."

"Well bring it Anderson!" she challenged.

Father Anderson flung two bayonets but Gale deflected both. Anderson threw two more, Gale deflected one and reflected the second bayonet. The weapon embedded in his chest. All watching expected him to collapse dead. He stepped forward and healed, pushing the bayonet out of his chest.

"He's a regenerator Nezu," Aizawa said slightly concerned. He was impressed she could deflect bladed weapons and reflect the weapon back at her attacker. Maybe she would be fine?

"Gale will be fine..."

That's when blood splashed on the glass. Gale's face was shocked. "How the hell?"

She had a bayonet in her shoulder.

"What's the problem giddle? Canna take armor piercing, penetrating?"

"Oh fuck!" Gale yelled.

She slammed her fist into the door but the glass didn't break. She was truly in a small space, with Judas Priest and he could kill her. "Baskerville some help please!"

"I am! You know who is trying come through!" Baskerville yelled.

"All Might, did Gale's service dog just talk?" Midnight asked.

"Yeah it's big as pony with six eyes..."

Gale picked two bayonets up from the floor and started fighting with them. Every time she wounded him, he healed quickly.

Nezu commented,"Perhaps Gale is really in trouble, Aizawa."

Shouta face palmed himself. Was he the only one that realized the danger she was in? Idiots! He began looking for a chair sturdy enough to break the glass on his side.

"All Might could use some help!"

"What do want me to do?"

"Break the glass you big brute!" Aizawa yelled.

Gale was starting to grow tired from fighting and blood loss, "Oh fuck this fighting with pig stickers!"

Gale summoned her shadows to form armour. Tendrils stuffed itself in the wound to stop the blood loss.

"Yea, a true disciple of that abomination! You even have his shadows to protect you. It won't stop me, for I am the hand of God, to deliver ya to hell!"

"Oh shut the fuck up Anderson! You're done monologuing!" Gale snarked once more.

Gale pulled her 13mm paired hand guns. She pulled the slides with her teeth like Alucard did. The guns sounded like thunder, in the small space and hurt the ears of those observing. This time Anderson dropped to the floor. Gale grabbed the bayonets and stuck them in Anderson. The bible pages fluttered back in to the bible.

"Paladin I am removing you of this," Gale said aloud. "Now let's see if I can create a portal."

Her fingers started a spinning motion as Anderson's body pushed the bullets out of him body. Gale grabbed Anderson's right leg and drug him to the portal.

Baskerville yelled, "He's found your portal!"

"Good! He can deal with the father!"

A long arm dressed in red with white gloves came through the portal with a massive black handgun. A maniacal laugh could be heard from the swirling portal. "Come, come Judas priest! Play with me! Hurry! Oh can't wait! Yes such a hard on priest! Let's finish this Paladin! Hurry hurry!"

Alucard's upper body came through and his long tongue licked the blood on Gale's shoulder. "Dragostea mea, you're wearing my gift! Let me lick you clean before I go and kill Anderson."

Gale stood up to him. His tongue slurped her blood up until she was clean and then the wound healed. His fingers caressed her cheek and then the portal closed. The woman collapsed on the floor exhausted but no longer wounded. Aizawa and All Might had broken the glass. Shouta entered, prepared to entangle Anderson.

"Gale what hell just happen?"

"That is Paladin Alexander Anderson of the secret section,called iscariot of the Vatican to eliminate freaks. Alucard is his sworn enemy. They never get their fight, to the death settled, without interruption."

"Damn All Might! And I thought some our villains were bad!" Midnight said loudly.

"He's not considered a villain but the right arm of God, in his mind and the church..."

"Mr. Aizawa may I sit out today's class? I'm really tired," Gale said.

Shouta growled and picked her up. Gale was too tired to resist. He placed her over his shoulder and headed to his quarters, stomping with rage. The man threw Gale down on his bed.

"Now stay put for now! Use my shower and some sweatpants."


"Ssh! Be quiet and get some rest. No more looking for lethal trouble!" Shouta headed to the door,"Baskerville you can't come in! Guard her from the door! If she's not here when I get back, I will spank her for stressing me out with her antics! Am I clear?"

"Fine, whatever human..."

It was Thorgerson' s turned to grumble. Aizawa said "Fine! You can stay, if you get her food when she wakes!"

The wolpertinger did a cute little chirp and landed on his shoulder. It licked his cheek then headed for Gale. Eraserhead shook his head as if the day couldn't get any stranger.

All Might and Midnight walked to Nezu. He shook his head "Need to know basis...forget what you saw."

The two pro heroes shrugged their shoulders and went back to lunch. Shouta was in a terrible mood and his third erection today. Just seeing her on his bed and the comment about he would spank her for disobeying.  He almost wished she would do it so he touch her body...

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