Chapter 3

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*Flashback still*

Next morning

You woke up and got ready, You didn't feel like dressing up so you wore

You woke up and got ready, You didn't feel like dressing up so you wore

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Hair straight and no makeup

You head downstairs and see your dad crying

Y- Dad, Don't cry

Y/d- Honey I'm so sorry

Y- Dad whatever you're thinking don't do it please.....

Y/d- Yes baby girl I promise...

Y- Okay, I have to go to school.. Bye dad love you

Y/d- Bye Y/n love you too

You left and went to school, Once you got to school everyone was looking at you and whispering

??- eww is that the girl

??- Omg she lost her virginity already, what a slut

??- She's so ugly

??- H O E, Hoe

I ignore what they were saying ,as I was walking I see a paper on the wall it had the words " Y/n Deserves to die!", "Y/n IS THE BIGGEST HOE", "SHE'S STUPID!!", "DON'T DATE HER! SHE'LL MOST LIKELY MAKE YOU FEEL IN HELL" I snatched the paper on the wall and crumbled it, I was furious so said something to the whole school


once I screamed everyone looked at me, even the 4k1k 

Y-  You think it's funny! You guys don't even know the fucking truth! I was being hurt, I didn't want that to fucking happened! Y'all always fucking assume shit. Maybe If you guys knew the truth, You'll understand the pain I'm going through right now. The types of words you guys are saying could make a person kill themselves.. Next thing you know when they kill their selves I bet every single one of you bitches will feel guilty 

You walk out and went to the bleachers and just think.. when i was in my thoughts, a boy came up to me

??- Hey

I look at him

Y- Do I know you?

??- No, But I'm in your classes, But I'm the quiet one

Y- Ouh, what's your name?

??- I'm.....


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