Chapter 36

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A- Good Job Y/n.. Now we have to


A- We have to work on your shooting

Y-  Okay

O- Y/n You have to shoot all those bottle less than 1 minute

Y- What !

Des- Just concentrate 

Y- Okay

Ypov- I can do this epov

Carlos Hands me the gun and I wait for Alex to say go

Dev- Ready?

Y- Yea

A- 1,2,3.......GO

As he says go I start shooting the bottles, I was so good at this ! I didn't want to stop

Y- Done

A- Impressive 8.5 seconds

Y- You're lying

A- Forreals 

Y- Awesome

Dev- Let's go home!

We all laugh

Alex drove us back home

We all went to our rooms, I shower and changed into a Hoodie with shorts, I lay back in bed and just go on my phone. I was look at my camera roll and I saw a picture of me & Jabez... I miss him

So I stand up and went to Alex's room. I knocked on his door

A- Come in

I open the door and see him laying in bed 

A- What's up

I sat on his bed

Y- I want to go back to little elm.

A- Why, So you can see Jabez?

Y- Yea but I know I can protect myself, Trust me


Y- Please...



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