Chapter 37

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I started looking for him and I see him in a corner, looked like he was crying so I went walked closer to him and but he was kissing...........



Y- I'm sorry for bothering y'all

I left and cry when I got home. Alex calls me 

A- Hey y/n

Y- Hey *sniffs*

A- Are you okay?

Y- I don't know 

A- Open the door

Y- Why?

A- It's a surprise, Just open it

Y- Okay

I walk downstairs and Open the door

A- Surprise!

I Just hug him and cry 


I walk out the cafe because, I was pissed.. Because what if she starts falling for Alex. Sam pulled me 

S- Stay away from y/n Jabez

J- Why?

S- Because... You'll get hurt, She's so close falling for Alex

J- Uh-I-Uhm 

S- Kiss me so she'll get jealous

J- What no!

S- Kiss me or I'll kill her

J- Wha-

she smashed her lips on my lips. I just wish it was y/n lips, While sam was kissing me I hear y/n .she sounded heartbroken....... 


Back to you

A- Hey are you okay?

Y- I wish we were......

I slowly lean in and I kiss him


minutes later, she lets me go... I quickly drove to Y/n house, once I arrived I see her through my window. she was kissing Alex.... It's to late... I drive back home and Just lay in bed crying epov

Back to you

I pull back

A- You want us back together?

Y- I was happy... You made me happy

Alex smiles at me

A- So.... Y/n will you be my girlfriend again?

Y- I don't know, does this answer your question?

I kiss him and he kisses me back



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