Chapter 5

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*Flashback still*

You both lean in but you got a call from your auntie

Y/a- Y/n

Y- Yes auntie

Y/a- Bby I'm so sorry 

Y- It's okay none of this is your fault

Y/a- Do you want to go back to New york? Since you're going to be lonely

Y- Lonely?, My dad is still here

Y/a- Baby, when me & your uncle went to your house earlier, and we saw him shot himself....

Y- N-no He promised me he wouldn't do it....

y/a- I'm sorry Y/n....

Y- Okay, I'm coming right now

I hang up and start crying

A- You okay?

Y- My dad just killed himself

Alex hugs you and you just cried on his shoulder

A- You want to go home...

Y- Yes please...

Alex drops you off home


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