The introduction.

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Sasha's pov:

Sup...I'm Sasha. I hate my classes. I get detention all the time!. I HATE the porcelain doll my roommate Mia has. I can hypnotize and do stuff with peoples memories. I'm a vampire as well. I'm the scariest girl you'd know. But I get bullied by this guy, Adam. He's a human. (And the scariest guy!) Sometimes I get along with Mia. (IF YOU TELL ANYONE IT'S A MEMORY WIPE!) Enough about me (though I could go on and on.) now to Mia.

Mia's pov:

Hi! I'm Mia. I don't mind what we do for class. I love tea! I also like vintage items and royale dresses. I can lift items with my mind and I have a porcelain doll called Penelope. I think it sorta freaks Sasha out. I wish I had the courage to stand up for Sasha but I mean she handles the bullying pretty well... I'm a pretty bubbly person but I'm also pretty shy... S..Sasha will tell you about the school.

Sasha's pov:

So school is boring! Work sucks! That's why I get detention. Basically I- can just tell this to Mia! So we have our normal classes like English, maths etc. But we also have uh... we'll say supernatural classes like dark magic, good magic etc. I'm going to let Cake (yes I'm breaking the fourth wall. Deal with it) tell you about the things me and Mia can't explain.

So basically I'm going to be explaining things about Adam.

He had a good family but used to be bullied. One day he was getting bullied. He didn't flinch. He just stood there with bright red eyes. He yelled out freaky words which sounded a bit like he was saying Yar ta vu Suma! Which is a dark spell to steal peoples souls. Then he realised he could steal souls.
He finally knew his third power. He was the scariest guy in the school. He would threaten people that he would steal their souls.
I'm the writer so I know that Sasha does feel fear. You might think she doesn't but she does. She just doesn't show it.

Ok time to start the story!

(This is based of the roleplays me and Kittykawaicosplay do)

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