Chapter five. Evil

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Mia's pov:

I come back to see Sasha holding my doll.

Um...w..why are you holding P... Penelope?

"B...B...B...what's with the stuttering!"

I don't know what I felt.
I felt sad and angry?


She looked mad. No wait...enraged!

Her eyes were glowing and she...floated?!

She mumbled something. Something like a... spell?

Oh no...

I then felt funny.

I started seeing weird things. Thing like colours. I wasn't in the dorm! Or was I?

I think I was hallucinating.

Then I was seeing my worst fears.

Sasha's pov:

When Mia said those words. When she was standing up to me. I felt really mad.

I felt enraged.

Then I blanked out.

I then looked at Mia and realized that I was torturing her.

I then stopped.

"Why would you do that!?"
She said that while bawling her eyes out.

I..I don't know...

I ran and hid under the covers on my bed.

I felt mad at myself. I also felt lots of other things.

I then started crying very quietly.

It was around 10 o'clock so I went to sleep.

I forgot to change.

My blanket fell off.

At around 1:30 am I fell a pain in my arm.
I just ignored it.

Mia's pov:

I woke up with red around my eyes. I went down the ladder and got dressed.

I took a look at Sasha and saw something on her mattress. It was...blood?!

I then saw a big cut on her arm.
Just then I noticed that Penelope had a knife.

I could hear her talking.

"Why did I do that. Who is she? Who are you!? Who am I!"

I ran out with Penelope. It's like she had a memory wipe!

I know that some students have the power to return memories.

I went to the principle. I asked him if he knew any students that had the power of returning memories.

He told me that he knew of one guy who can do that.

"Jackson Willis, please come to the principles office."

Jackson then came.

Wha' do you want?

He then looked at me. His mouth was wide open.

"H..Hi.. I'm J...myJackson."

I'm Mia.

"N..Nice name..."

We had a little chat to get to know eachother. A while later I told him about my situation.

He was able to bring the dolls memories back.

Wanna c..come to my dorm?

"Yeah...that would nice.

We kept chatting while walking up to my dorm.

We went in and thank god Sasha was asleep!

"Is that S..Sasha! that..a bloody cut!"

Just ignore it. My voodoo doll hates her.

We went to the top bunk and started chatting.

School was gonna start in 1 hour so I went and woke up Sasha.

"Shut it...."

You know you have a cut on your arm...


She went to find a band aid.

Me and Jackson kept talking. We then started messing around.

I started to blush.  

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