Chapter twelve. We're safe, for now.

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Jackson's pov:

I told Mia about my plan.

How long has it been?

"Around 25 minutes"

We have to wake up Sasha and Adrian.

"How? They'll see us"

We take control of Sasha's mind!

We will make it look like the brainwash is failing, she will go back in the chair and come back to normal.

"You just thought of that! Amazing!"

We heard footsteps.
"Quick! Under the bed!"

We hid under the bed and saw Sasha and Adrian come in.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Ok, master!"

As soon as Adrian left, we took control of Sasha's mind.

We got her to keep walking in a wall while saying Master, must obey over and over again.

Adrian came back in.
Wait there.

He bent down and started moving the wires back.

I then realized that I forgot to glue the part I cut back on.


"Who's there!"

Adrian put Sasha back in the chair.

Mia's pov:

I took out Penelope and started moving Adrian around.

"Good idea!"

"Who's doing this!"

Jackson stopped the mind controling.
"Huh? Why am I in a chair?"

Me and Jackson came out from under the bed.

"What are you doing here!"

Sasha! This isn't you! You are a nice but mischievous girl! Adrian brainwashed you!

She looked really weird. Her eyes were gaining colour.

She was still but slightly wiggling.

She then shook her head.

"How did the walls change!? Where is my master!"

Sasha! Snap out of it! Adrian is not your master! You think that because he brainwashed you!"

She then fell to her knees.

"Hey, what happened? Where am I?"

Quick! Run out!

We all ran but we were stopped by Adrian.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Thought you could escape! I will make a deal."

What is it!

"You let me brainwash everyone but you 3, or none of you leave and you all get brainwashed."

"Adrian, I choose choice two."

"Sasha! What are you doing!"

We were taken in Adrian's room.

First Jackson was put in the chair.

The bowl was put on his head. A clock was being waved in front of him.


Next was Sasha.

The same process was being done.

Next was me. I sat down. I tried to get up and run to get help, but I was stopped by Sasha and Jackson.

The clock was being waved in front of my face.

So, master. What shall I do?

Then, all of a sudden, the door was broken down.

Me, Sasha and Jackson all said in unison:
What are you doing in master's home?

A group of students came in.

All of a sudden I felt odd. I randomly shouted "Guys! Run! Don't let Adrian brainwash you!"

The three of us were back to normal.

"What happened. Why is master- I mean Adrian tied up."

"Sasha sent a message to the class group chat!"

They shown us the message. There was also a recording!

Sasha! You're a genius!

"I'm not just mischievous"

She had a big smirk on her face.

We all went back to our dorm.


"Yeah, but hey! At least we are safe!"

Or so we thought.

A gas was being released in the dorm!

We all started coughing.

One by one we fell asleep.

All I saw before I passed out was a blonde guy in a mask.

Who was he?

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