Chapter ten. A strange machine.

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Sasha's pov:

I saw Ms. Goldsman come in.

"You can leave."

She handed me a little bag. She then whispered something really weird.

"Read the letter, it's about the kid"


I went out the door and started walking home.

"Oh Sasha! You're back!"

Mia came running towards me. She then hugged me.

Jeez! I was gone for one night!

I should mention that a woman that was there gave me a weird note.

It's about Adrian.

"What's up with him?"

I...can't to tell you...

"Sasha, you tell me right now!"

I went up to her and whispered what I knew about Adrian.

"What! I have to tell someone."

No! Don't!

"And why?"

I don't want to say.

Mia's pov:

I can't believe Adrian has five powers!

Sasha started reading the note.

"Adrian was kept inside the same room I was in. He broke out during a test. He know wants to brainwash everyone!"


I'm...going to go for a...walk..

"Okay then?"

I went out of the dorm and snuck over to Adrian's dorm.

The door was open.

I saw something weird. It was like a chair? I couldn't see well though.

I saw Adrian and his roommate come out of the room.

I had to act nonchalant cause Adrian was leaving the dorm.

As soon as he left I went and knocked on the door.

"Greetings. How....may I assist you."

Uh...hi. I'm a friend of Adrian's. He let me borrow something and I am here to collect it.

"Come in..."

I went in Adrian's room to see the chair.

It looked like those chairs that have the bowls above them in the hairdressers.

I could hear footsteps, I ran under the bed.

"Come on Mike, get back in the chair!"

"No Adrian! I will NOT!"

I saw that Adrian pushed the other guy in the chair and pushed a button.


The button locked him in the chair!

I didn't see much but I think he put the bowl thing on his head.

He was facing the other way so I stuck my head out a tiny bit.

The guys irises were tiny.

Adrian was waving a clock in his face.

"Obey me, obey me, obey me"

He kept repeating that.


He got up from the chair and stood beside Adrian like a slave. They both left the dorm.

I quickly ran back to me and Sasha's dorm.

The place was a wreck. Sasha was gone.

There was a note on the floor.

It said:

I got here before you did. Sasha is mine now. If you want her back, come get her.

Sasha's pov:

I was just relaxing when Adrian and some guy broke down the door!

"Get her!"

The guy grabbed me.

I tried to get him to let go of me. I have no clue what happened next.

I woke up in a chair. My arms were locked on the arm rests.

My legs were locked as well.

What are you doing to me!

"You my slave."

He put this thing on my head.

I tried to close my eyes. It was impossible.

He started waving a clock in front of me.

All of a sudden, I wanted to obey him.

Mia then burst in.


"Oh Mia, you're to late.."

"Sasha! It's me!"

"Sasha, who is your enemy"

Mia Victoria.

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