you fell a sleep on the sofa

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mirio pov

i had woken up, in my bed, i rolled over there was no (y/n) in the bed, i thought to myself as sleepy stood up, i knew she came to bed.  with me, i remembering cuddling with her, before passing out i thought  as i went downstairs. i heard the tv being played low, i thought as i went towards the sound there was (y/n) she sitting up right she had her back of her tank top. that made for people whom have wings. her wings had been healing, she been in pain because she need to get surgery to fix. the wings, ( random male name ) really hurt her. i thought as i walked into the living room she was fast asleep.

 i turn the tv off . than i gently put my hand on her shoulder, " (y/n)" she woke up soon after hearing my voice. " what happen ?" i asked her, i worried about her specially if she was in pain. " nightmare...than the pain started ...i didn't want to wake you up" she said, " you know you could have, let me get you some pain killers " i said, as i went to the kitchen and went to my drawer, i got her pain killer,  than i got her cup of water. than i went over there and handed them to her. she took them, " i know it's hurt, summer is coming " i told her, she had the surgery planned in the first week after school is over. " i know " she said, as she got up, than i help her back to the bedroom, hopefully she get enough rest tonight i thought to myself.

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