Left alone.

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*poseidon POV*

"Quickly, dispose of that disgusting creature and get in the damn van" shouted a deep voice from the shadows.

Here I sat, behind a bush, watching the filthy human males dump a small box in the clearing, just within the borders of my pack land.

I couldn't believe my hunt was interrupted by some littering, human rats. letting the irritation consume my mind, I slowly crept out from the bush, standing behind the disgusting creature.

A low growl rumbled in my chest, The humans heartbeat increasing as he turned around to face the noise. I truly took pleasure seeing the fear flashing in the eyes of my prey, knowing soon they'd meet their end between my jaws.
I pounced before the man could process what to do, wrapping my jaws around his neck, crushing his windpipe before his screams could alert the other human.
Letting the body drop to the ground, I stood to my full height. I was larger than a normal wolf, almost 6 feet tall on all fours. My fur very similar to that of a wild gray wolf.

"Hurry up and stop messing around,We need to leave before the pack mutts realize we're here" the remaining human male shouted.

The nerve...calling us mutts..my wolfs anger rising at the comment. Stepping back, I slammed the body of my wolf into the van, knocking it on its side. I jumped on top of the vehicle, tearing the door off its hinges. The stench of urine invading my sensitive sense of smell.

Peering into the vehicle, the man covered in his own pee, pressed himself as far away from me as he could. Pushing my head into the opening, I wrapped my jaws around his torso and yanked him out, throwing him against a nearby tree.
Hearing a satisfying snap from the humans spine and neck, my inner wolf growled in delight at the amount of blood pouring from his mouth.

Now I should be disgusted by this, who in their right mind would find pleasure killing people in such a gruesome way. I found the greatest pleasure in asserting dominance over every creature who confronted me even if it meant spilling blood..I would always be the alpha male.

A soft mewl ripped me from my thoughts, snapping my head around, I growled quietly.
Lifting my snout into the air, inhaling deeply, I was suddenly surrounded by an absolutely mouth watering scent, it smelled like fresh fruit and vanilla. Something I could never get tired of, I wanted everything to smell of this mysterious scent,

I felt my own control grasped and taken from me, as my wolf pushed me to the back of my mind.
"Mate, get mate" my wolf demanded.

I found myself walking towards the abandoned box, where the smell was coming from. Looking inside I was shocked to say the least, laying in the box was a beautiful black and silver tiger cub wrapped in a light pink blanket.

I couldn't stop my wolf from pushing our snout into the blanket, marveling at the beautiful creature. Tired of him having control, I pushed my wolf back, much to his dismay, he let me take control of our body. His last words were echoing through my head, "Protect mate". His protective instincts were surging through the roof and slowly slipping into my own.
Suppressing the feelings, I picked the cub up by the scruff of its neck and trotted into the dark woods.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was so short, it was more of a slight introduction into the beginning of the characters life.
As I'll state right now, this is my first story being written on wattpad. I'm not a published author or anything of the sort. There will be spelling and punctuation errors, it's somewhat inevitable.

I hope you enjoyed this teaser, I'll be updating as much as possible.
More comments, stars, and shares will help bring chapters forward! As it tells me people are interested.

Now I'll stop keeping you, please enjoy the chapter ❤️

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