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Percy: Hey guys! Im soooo bored!!!
Annabeth: I know right!!! Me too!
Leo: *nasty grin* Lets play Truth Or Dare!
Piper: Ok! Want to play too, Jason?
Jason: I guess... Leo, please behave though!
Leo: Maybe. Don't hold your breath Grace!
Travis: Hey can me and Connor play too? *Evil grin slides onto his face*
Connor: Yeah can we?
Annabeth: Yeah! Hey Hazel want to play Truth or Dare with us?
Hazel: Okay! Hey Nico wanna join us?
Nico: Well... I guess so. Yo Katie come play T or D with us!
Katie: Alright!
Percy: Great we have more people!!! Along the way we will get more i bet!
Piper: Yeah! So lets start playing? We can play in Percy's cabin, its the most emptiest!
Percy: Okay come on guys!!!

Percy Jackson T or DWhere stories live. Discover now