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Percy: Can I go first?
Everyone said sure.
Percy: Ok! Jason Truth or Dare?
Jason: Hmm..... dare!
Percy: Okay! I dare you to go kiss Drew!
Jason: Wait. What?!!?
Percy: You heard me Grace!
Jason: Piper?
Piper: Its fine, I'm okay with it!
Jason stood up and walked to the Aphrodite cabin, with everyone one else following him. He slowly walked over to the fake barbie doll, leaned in and kissed her full on the lips. he quickly pulled back.
Drew: What the crap????
Jason: We are playing truth or dare! I got dared to kiss you! Sorry Piper!!!!! He cringed
Piper: Its fine babe, we all know you were dreading kissing one of my sisters!
Drew: Hey can i play too?
Piper: Um... sure. But beware we play weirdly!!!!
Drew: I can handle anything!
Percy: Sure you can! *sarcastic voice*
They all walked back to Percy's cabin.
Percy: I think the cabin is getting tight. Can we go to the ocean or something?
Nico: Yeah okay. we can go to the Ocean!
They ran to the shore and sat in a circle!
Hazel: Who's up next?

Percy Jackson T or DWhere stories live. Discover now