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Frank: If nobody wants to go, I guess I will...
Hazel: Okay!!!
Frank: Um... Percy Truth or Dare?
Percy: DARE!!!
Frank: I dare you to go in the ocean and tell the fish to dance! But we have to see them dance.
Percy: Okaaaay....
Then he jumped into the water and swam down to a school of fish. He said, Hey fishys! Can you dance for me?
Fish: Blub
Percy: Great!
He made a water bubble and lifted them into the shore.
Percy: Okay fish. Dance!!!
The fish started to spin and flap their fins and tail.
The other demigods laughed and rolled clutching their stomachs.
Percy: Okay fish you guys can stop!
The fish stopped. And looked at Percy. Percy lowered the bubble back into the water and popped the bubble open.
Percy: Thanks guys!
Fish: Blub blub!
Percy: Bye!
They swam away.
Percy came back to the other kids and...
Leo: Hahahah seeing fish dance!
Percy: Okay: Im tired lets continue... people who wants to rake their turn?

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