covidiary analysis

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Covidiary is closely linked to the current events that are happening around the globe.

Conflict type: Self v Virus

Genre: Non-fiction

Speaker: relatable to nearly everyone

Overall poetic analysis: The 1st line is always a crisp word 'life' as life is short, and this hot topic made it shorter. The 2nd line of every stanza always starts with a verb as the 'life' is having plenty of complicated actions in within. The 3rd line of every stanza ends with a 'in' sound and the 4th line ends with an 'out' sound. It is contrast the closeness of the physical lines with the horizon between them. (does not apply to last stanza) Also, nothing in the poem ended with a full-stop, which shows how elongated this pandemic felt.

Stanza 1: Life had always had plenty of things- like social, economical, etc.- however, this current circumstances had brought us more things to worry about. Hence, the speaker describes life as a huge mess. Attacking an invisible enemy is never easy and hence, many precautionary measures are taken, such as school closures and lock downs. As such, the virus is in, and school is out.

Stanza 2: In the past, many hated school, but as the saying goes, you never learn to appreciate until something rusted. During this period of school closure, many people hates it as they could not leave their homes, get some fresh air, meet their friends, so on. But in the past, people just wanted school to close; they wanted to escape doing homework, they hate going here and there, so on. As a result of this pandemic,we also have more time. But at the same time, your privacy gets attacked. If your friends or relatives contracted the virus, your safety is at risk and hence, you would be tracked down.

Stanza 3: Currently, life feels like it has no meaning. You don't get to go out, have fresh air, etc. Life feels stale, being imprisoned at home. And when you go out, you need to wear a mask as part of social responsibility. You need to cover your nose, your mouth, all the breathing organs, hoping that the germs would not escape and spread.

Stanza 4: It contains something short but sad to end the poem. We can't hide from the truth anymore. Life is no longer life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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