Good but Bad news :(

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*𝔾𝕣𝕚𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍*
I decidee to wake Y/n up a fun way. I told the boys my plan and they laughed quietly and warned me that she'll kill me. I grabbed an empty bucket and went to the bathroom to filled it with water. I walked back to her and conteplated whether i should do it or not since she was on floor which would make me have to mop up. I just shrugged and then poured the water all over my lil sister. She jumped onto her feet starled. I laughed really hard and so did Mads and the boys. Y/n said "I swear to god Griffen you better sleep with one eye open tonight cuz ill fucking kill you". I laughed again and she rolled her eyes. It was nice having a sibling my age to mess about with.
A few minutes later y/n came out the bathroom relativley dry and ready for the day. She said "So Griff our birthday is coming up". I chuckled and said "yep i know gurl". She looked  at me and i knew straight what she was going to ask. "No y/n your not doing it". She pleaded and pleaded but i kept rejecting her offer. Then i heard  Bryce say "Tf yall arguing about?". Y/n turned to him pouting and said "He never lets me get him gifts!!". I say "Yes because its OUR birthday not just mine". She looked at me as if im stupid and said "Ye you'll get me a gift too"I roll my eyes at her and say "Fine". She jumps up and down and everyone looks at her as if shes crazy. I knew we were all thinking the same thing. Who likes buying people gifts THAT much?.

*𝕐/𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍*
Finally after about five years Griff lets me buy him a gift. Ive been wanting to get him this one thing for ages but he never let me.
It had been a few hours and we just chilling in our room being silly and filming tik toks when i get a call from my mom. I walk out the room since everyone was being noisy and pick up.
M-"Hey, sweetie i have great news!!"
Y-"Hi mom and what is it?"
M-"So last week we sent your college reccommodations out right?". I nodded not knowing where she was going with this.
M-"Well Harvard said try again in Spring BUuuttt!!". She was leading me on and it irritated me quite alot.
Y-"mom spit it out"
M-"You were accepeted into the college of Pennsylvania!". I looked at my phone shocked and i began tearing up. I talked with my mom a little before hanging up. I walked back inside and i was still crying everyone looked at me silent. I turned to Griffen and said "I've been accepted". Griffen looks at me with wide eyes and says "Pen or Cam?". I look at him smiling widley and said "Pen". He got so excited he picked me up and spun me around. We hugged rocking back and forth for a couple minutes before pulling away. I looked at everyone and  they all looked extremely confused. I wiped one of my happy tears from my red cheek and said to them "I got accepted into Pennsylvania college". They all smiled brightly and hugged me thrilled for me. But i then i see Ant. I cant tell if hes happy or sad. I look at him and said "You ok bebe?". He smiled at me and nodded. I knew straight away that smile was fake so i pulled his arm and walked him out the room. I looked at him and said sternly "Tell me". He shook his head and said "Im not ruining your excitement". I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. I was annoyed he wouldnt tell me whats up and he saw that. He turned to walk back inside but i grabbed him before he reached the door handle and i whispered gently "please Ant". He sighed and said "Pennsylvania." Then he walked back inside before i could stop him. Then it hit me.

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