Good But Bad News :(part2

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*𝔸𝕟𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕪'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍*
I walked back into the room. I didnt know how to react. I was so proud of her for getting into one of her dream colleges but, it was so far from Cali. It was almost a two day drive and i don't think that i could be that far from her for almost 4 years and only see her every holiday. I love y/n and i'll support her through anything but it hurt to think this way.
I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and i immediantly came out my trance. I looked to see who it was and Griffen was standing there asking if i was okay. I realised that i was tearing up, i held back the tears and nodded to him. He looks at me and says "Dude, i may look stupid but i cant tell when your not okay we've been friends since preschool." I get a little irritated and just say "Griffen i'm fine!". I push his hand off my shoulder, grab my phone and leave. I decided to go relax on the beach to get my mind off of things.
*𝕄𝕒𝕕'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍*
I was talking to Jaden when i saw Ant storm out the room. I look around and see a concerned Griffen. I tell Jaden that ill be back and i got ask Griff what happened. He explains the story and by now everyone was listerning. No one had a clue what was going on until i took a glance at Y/n. She had her head down and she looked really upset. I say "Y/n do you know what its about?". Everyone has their attention on her now and nods wiping a tear. I put my arm over her shoulder and guide her to the bed. We sit on the end and all the boys kneel infront of her. I say "Did you guys have a fight?". She shook  her head 'no' and we asked for her to explain. She starts explaining how far Pennsylvania is from Cali and that they would rarely see eachother no more. Payton has a very sympethetic look on his face and he put his hand to rest on hers, causing her to look up a little. Payton said "You guys will figure something out, i know you will, WE know you will". Y/n smiles at him and hugs him. They cuddle on the floor for about 5 minutes before breaking apart.
*𝕐/ℕ'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍*
I was honestly so grateful to have all these amazing friends around me comforting me when they probably have their own problems. I decided to go walk around town for a little bit to push these negative thoughts out of my head. I was majoring in Law as i wanted to be Lawyer expect now im also an influencer so i didnt know how much i wanted to got to college. I know that i could do online classes but i would be just as busy. That doesnt matter to me though, i want to see Ant's cute ass smile everyday next to me, i want his arms wrapped around me everyday like its the last time i'll ever see him, i want his passionate kisses everytime i wake up next to him. I was now sobbing again, going on a walk didnt help at all. I decided to head back to the hotel and as soon as i walked through the door into the lobby i was being congratulated by all my class mates and teachers. My favourite teacher walked up to me and whispered to me "Your one of the only ones out of your class to be accepted into college so quick, im so proud of you." I hugged him and told him i wouldn't be here with out him. I hung out with everyone for a bit and then went back into my room. I walked into the bathroom and saw that the boys' door was closed. I wass confused because we agreed to only close the doors when someone was using the bathroom. I heard muffled speaking coming from the other side so i pressed my ear against the door and listened to their conversation. I know it was bad that i was being noisy but i couldn't resist it. I heard someone crying and recognised the voice that came after it.
A-"God I'm so selfish! I should be happy for her right now but all i can think about is how rarely ill see her!"
J-"Dude your not selfish, your hurt and that's fine"
A-"Its not fine. I should be supporting her. I should be really thrilled for her."
G-"Ant, no one can blame you for feeling this. It isn't your fault. If anything its that colleges fault.". This commment makes a few people in the room laugh and i giggle slightly too. I slowly open the door and peek through. Everyone turns to me and smiles weakly. I looked at Ant and saw  that his face was very red his eyes were aswell. He was still shedding tears. I had never seen him cry before and just seeing him in that state felt like a punch in my stomach. I walked up to him rather slow while everyone cleared out the room. By the time i got to him the room was empty and i gently pushed him onto the bed. I climbed on top of him and kissed him. He joined in deepining the kiss. His hand travelled down to my thighs and he flipped us over so he was on top. It caught me by surprise at first so i let a little gasp escape my mouth. He smiled a tiny bit and i felt soft lips on my neck. I held my breath as he continued to kiss my neck. He then turned back to me and i felt his lips gently come back to mine as he added tongue. When he pulled away and went back to my neck i said in a small voice "I love you Anthony Reeves". I felt him smirk and he just layed there cuddle to me now and not kissing. He said speaking into me shoulder "I love you too Y/n Johnon.". He fell asleep with his legs wrapped around mine and his head in the crook of my neck. I got my phone out and went on snapchat to take a video when i saw something in my camera. I took a closer look and i realised that Anthony left hickeys all over my neck. I groaned quietly knowing now i'll have to make and effort to cover them up. In those few moments i forgot all about college and i fell asleep aswell.

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