02 - the brothers

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[ t w o ] - the brothers

     A week had passed since I moved in. I had now successfully unpacked my things and made it feel like a real home. My alarm went off at 6 am, causing me to groan and stir awake. My eyes fluttered opened then my stomach knotted as I remembered it was the first day of junior year. I pushed myself out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and slid on my silver glasses. I got changed into some jeans and a cardigan before making my way to the kitchen. I pulled open the door to the refrigerator and groaned in disappointment when there was only yogurt in there. "I need to go to the store," I told myself. I decided to skip breakfast and just grab a water instead. Avery offered to drive me to school for the first day, to which of course I accepted.

     My daily knock at the door lifted my spirits. I swung the door open and was met by Avery. "Are you ready for the best day of your life?" She said excitedly, pulling her backpack onto her shoulders. She was wearing a purple skirt and a white lacy top, while her black hair was pulled into a braid. I'm always jealous of her outfits.

     "I'm as ready as i'll ever be." I said with a huff. "Let me grab my things." I said while quickly pulling on my book bag and grabbing my water bottle and phone off the kitchen counter.

     During the car ride there Avery blasted what she called her 'good mood' playlist which exclusively consisted of Ariana Grande and nothing else. Although Avery was in a good mood, I remained quiet. My stomach was still in knots and my palms grew sweaty. We arrived at the huge brick building in just minutes. I admired how everything was so close in this town, it was a change from where I used to live. The front of the school was filled with high school students, which were all in groups socializing. I felt extremely out of place, but Avery recognized my discomfort right away and she grabbed my hand.

     "Let's just go inside and see how you feel," She said comfortingly, "It's not as bad as your expecting it to be, promise."

     I took a deep breath and nodded. Avery and I walked down the hallway to our lockers, hers right next to mine. I put in my combination and opened my locker, before storing my bag and books I didn't need. A group of girls approached Avery and instantly started saying their hello's. I stood there quietly and awkwardly, rubbing my arm uncomfortably. 

     "I got to go, Elena. See you at lunch, you'll be fine!" She called out after me as her friends pulled her away. I nodded and smiled.

     As I swung my locker closed and right as I turned around, I was met by a guy. His brown hair was looked effortlessly perfect, and his tall frame towered over my 5'2 figure. He was smirking at me. I chuckled nervously and waved slightly, "Hello,"

     "I'm Cole, I haven't seen you around before. I assume your the new girl?" He said smirking, his voice as smooth as butter. My cardigan slipped off my shoulder and he gently grazed his fingers up my arm, pulling it back up onto my shoulder. Electricity shot through my whole body and I flinched slightly, but he didn't notice.

     I tucked a strand of my brunette hair behind my ear and smiled at the ground, "I guess I am," I replied, "I'm Elena."

     His smirk formed into a full smile, "Elena..." He tested out my name. "I like that name."

     Before I had time to say anything else the bell rang and I was off to my first period. I couldn't stop smiling all through the morning. I kept thinking about Cole. There was something about him that was mysterious, but also refreshing.

     I met back up with Avery at lunch and I told her what had happened. She squealed and squirmed in her seat, "Cole? Cole Montgomery?" She questioned and I nodded. "No. Way. The Montgomery brothers haven't went after any girls since freshman year!"

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