05 - the bathtub

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[ f i v e ] - the bathtub

*warning: mild sexual themes*

I woke up with the feeling of pure bliss. The soft comforter was wrapped around me and my head was in the clouds. I slipped on a long tee shirt over my bare body and crept my way downstairs, trying not to wake anyone. I eventually found the kitchen after a while of searching and pulled open the refrigerator. I gawked in awe at the amount of food that was inside.
"I wasn't aware you slept naked," A menacing voice said and I jumped in surprise.
I spun around and saw Braxton, shirtless. I tried to avert my eyes from his abs, but I failed miserably. I crossed my arms and glared at him, "Were you creeping on me while I was sleeping?"
"Yeah, Braxton," Cole emerged from around the corner, his arms crossed as well, "were you?"
For a moment I saw a look of panic flash on Braxtons face but it instantly formed into a smirk, "Relax, I was just grabbing an extra blanket and I saw you."
I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I spun back around and scanned the contents of the fridge.
Suddenly Coles breath was against my ear, he was so close behind me I could feel his warmth against my back, "Go put some pants on."
I giggled nervously and slipped away from his towering body, and sprinted up stairs. I could hear them arguing from my room about me. It made my stomach turn.
"Hey, Cole?" I shouted from the top of the stairs.
"Yeah?" He shouted back.
"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.
"Just use the one in my room." He answered.
I felt weird going into his room. I felt as if I were invading his privacy, even though he gave me permission. His room was about the same size as mine, but his bed seemed impossibly bigger. I made my way to the bathroom and gawked at how beautiful it was. The natural light streamed into the room and a beautiful clawfoot tub was the perfect accent of the whole room. I quickly closed the door behind me and started the bath, I set down the soap I had brought from my room next to the bath.
Once the water was warm enough, I slipped in and sighed in content. I rested my head back and closed my eyes, daydreaming. I washed my body with the soap, causing the bath so accumulate bubbles. I giggled to myself and played with the soapy spheres.
I must've been in there for a while, because just when I was starting to doze off, I heard a knock at the bathroom door, alerting me awake. I instantly sprung up out of the bath. Just as I climbed out, the door flung open and there stood Cole. I fumbled for my towel and quickly covered myself, but I wasn't quick enough. Cole stood there in shock, not saying a word.
"I, um... I," I started but I was instantly cut off by Cole rushing towards me. He cupped the bottom of my chin with his hands and smashed his lips against mine. I was hesitant at first, but I started kissing back. I dropped the towel from my grip and tangled my fingers in his perfectly messy hair. I didn't fully process that I was completely naked until Braxton came rushing into the bathroom.
Cole instantly spun around and hid me behind him.
Braxtons shocked face matched ours. "What did I just walk in on?" He asked, his voice shaky as he covered his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.
"Braxton I swear to god, don't look," Cole said through gritted teeth.
Braxton threw his hands up in surrender with his eyes still closed, "I didn't see a thing," he began, then paused and smirked, "Other than Elenas whole naked body."
Cole picked up the towel and threw it at me and approached Braxton with his fists clenched. I immediately wrapped the towel around me. Cole shoved Braxton out the door and slammed it behind him, leaving me alone in the bathroom. My face burned bright red. I couldn't believe I just kissed him, and I couldn't believe Braxton walked in on us. They were screaming even louder than before. I drained the bath and collected my things before storming out of his room. They both stopped yelling at each other and watched me as I walked by. I slammed his door and ran to my room. I didn't know how to feel. I didn't know if I wanted to kiss him. But I definitely didn't want Braxton to see us. To see me.
I angrily threw on some leggings and a tank top and called Avery to tell her what happened. I cringed and held the phone away from my ear she she squealed into the microphone.
"You have to come to the Cafe and tell me everything!" She said, trying to hold in her excitement.
"I'll be there in 15." I hung up and snuck my way downstairs and out the door.
Avery and Katherine were already waiting at the counter for me as I arrived, huge smiles plastered on their faces. I took a seat on one of the bar stools and instantly hid my face with my hands.
"Listen, girlie, I may be 42 but I still live for some drama. So tell us, what happened?" Katherine asked resting her elbows on the counter.
I sighed and explained everything and how I was feeling, while being sure to not go too into depth. At the end of the story, their jaws were dropped and their eyes were popping out of their heads.
"I can't believe this," Avery gawked, "so did you and Cole like..."
I pushed her arms away and grimaced, "Ew, no, Avery."
She sighed in disappointment and left to go get us coffees. Katherine leaned in some more and whispered, "You know, Cole has had some crazy girls in his past," she began, "but I sure am rooting for you to be the final."
My eyes widened and I shook my head, "I don't even know if I like him. Should I even try to get to know him that way?"
Before she could answer, the bell jingles and we focus our attention to the door. Cole stood there, breathing deeply searching the room. When he locked eyes with me, he sighed in relief and took a seat next to me.
"Elena, I am so sorry." He pled, still trying to catch his breath.
I looked frantically at Katherine. "I think you have your answer right there." She said, shooting me a wink before disappearing in the back. Avery returned with two cups of coffee for Cole and I and then joined Katherine.
I shook my head and took a sip, "I don't know why you kissed me."
He sighed and his head fell, "I know I'm sorry, it's just, when I saw you like that... I let my temptations get the best of me."
I sighed and rested my head against the palm of my hand, "Do you regret it?"
"Honestly, not one bit." He said, gazing into my eyes. My heart fluttered in my chest and my eyes trailed down to his lips. His eyes did the same. I leaned in and kissed him, slower this time, but eventually it got faster and heavier. He pulled away from me, breathing heavily.
"Let's go home," he choked out. I nodded quickly and pulled him into another kiss.
The second we walked through the front door we both kicked our shoes off, not letting go of each other. I tugged on his hair slightly causing him to groan. He pulled my shirt up and over my head and his hands instantly felt me up and down. A laugh escaped my lips as he lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around him while we still kissed. He carried me all the way to his room where he threw me on his bed. He climbed on top of me and gazed into my eyes.
"Elena Birches, you are driving me crazy." He groaned, before grabbing my arms and pinning them above my head. My breathing staggered as it became more and more heated.
I put both hands on his chest and pushed him over so that I was on top. "Cole Montgomery, you haven't even seen crazy yet." I said, tauntingly. He smiled and shook his head, before pulling me into another heated kiss.


Authors Note: Oooooh, okay. I know this chapter was really steamy but I think it was extremely necessary for Elena and Cole. What do you guys think? If you enjoyed this chapter, be sure to leave a comment and a vote! Thank you<3

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