Stop trying

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It was in the evening when my mom came to my room and said, "Sweetheart. Kyle's on the door. He wants to talk to you." I was sitting on my bed with my laptop open, doing assignments that the teachers had sent me. I let out a deep sigh and told my mom," Mom, just tell him that I said to stop trying." "Is there something going on which I should know about?", said my mom feeling a little worried. Never in my life till now had I tried to ignore Kyle like this. The arguments we had in the past were just silly ones and never major. "No, no. It's nothing. Just tell him what I said, please.", I said. My mom nodded slowly and went downstairs. 

3rd person pov

Shivi's mom went to the door and told Kyle, "Hi, dear. I'm afraid she doesn't want to come downstairs." Kyle looked down in distress. "But she did tell me to pass you a message.", Shivi's mom started. Kyle looked up with a hint of hope. Shivi's mom hesitantly said," She said that she wants you to stop trying. I'm really sorry, dear. She's just not feeling well. I'm sure she'll come arou-" Kyle cut her off and said," It's alright, Mrs.Wells. If that's her decision, I'll respect it. But that doesn't mean I'm fine with it. Thanks for your time. I'll get going now." Kyle quickly said goodbye and walked away. His head hung low the whole way back, something broke inside him. His heart.


It was spring break. Jenny and I were walking to the ice cream shop nearby The Cove together. "I texted Kyle and asked if he wanted to join us.", said Jenny. "Huh? I thought it was going to be just the two of us.", I said. "Well, I thought you would want to meet Kyle considering that this was where you had your first date.", said Jenny nudging me in the ribs. I looked away as I felt myself blushing. "Jenny, we were kids and our parents took us there. How on earth could that be a date?", I said. "Hey, you told me yourself that he insisted on buying your ice cream for you. That's the kind of thing you do on a date.", said Jenny not showing any sign of giving up the topic. "Don't tell me what people do on a date. I know enough.", I said rolling my eyes at her. Ignoring what I said, Jenny looked at her phone and said," Oh, he said he's already there with Jefferson. Why did that prick have to be there too?", said Jenny shaking her head in disapproval. By prick, she meant Kyle's good friend Jefferson. Jefferson has always had a reputation for moving from one girl to another. He is not a player, it's that he doesn't have much luck when it comes to relationships. He's a pretty nice guy but the problem is his big head. 

We reached the shop and saw Kyle and Jefferson already standing there, ice cream in hand. I walk towards Kyle to hug him but just when he was about to wrap his arms around me, I backed away, grabbed his wrist and took a big bite of his ice cream. "Hmm, chocolate. Just what I like.", I said while savouring the sweetness in my mouth. Kyle burst out laughing and said, " I should have seen that coming." " I'm also here you know.", said Jefferson as he stood in front of me. I laughed at his silliness and said, " I know, Jefferson. Hug?" "How could I ever say no to a hug offered by the most gorgeous girl I have ever met?", said Jefferson as he embraced me. "Don't get carried away.", I warned him as I pulled away. "Hey, you didn't take his ice cream!", said Kyle offended. I simply laughed at him. I turned around to say something to Jenny, but she was not there. I turned around to see her walking towards us with two ice cream in her hands. "When did you even?", I said, confused. "You were busy hogging the boys.", said Jenny smirking. "I wasn't hogging them!", I said. "Right, they were hogging you.", said Jenny, eyeing both the boys. "We should sit down.", said Kyle motioning towards the benches. "So Shivi, wanna go on a date with me?', said Jefferson as we walked. "Nope.", I said. "Come on. You always say no. Just one date?", he said. "Not happening, Jeff.", I said. "Pleaaaseee.", said Jefferson stepping in front of me."No!", I said while I put my hands on his chest to push him away. "One date.", said Jefferson as he took hold of my hands which were still pressed against his chest. "OK! Anything to get you to stop talking!", I huffed out. "Yes?!", he said as he let go of my hands. "Yes, now move.", I said as I finally pushed him away. From the corner of my eye, I could see Kyle glaring at us the whole time. I let it go and kept walking, trying to forget that I had a date with Jeff.

Reminder: Words written in italics are Shivi's thoughts.

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