Happiest Girl Alive

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That day I woke up earlier than usual. It was raining outside. Not too heavy, not too light, just perfect to sit outside on my balcony with a cup of coffee and to be left alone with my thoughts, not that I was not getting to do that much. I sipped on my coffee and let myself drift away yet again.

It was my first ever sleepover. Sera, Maya, Jenny and I were all sitting around in a circle on Jenny's bed. And like any typical sleepover we were playing Truth and Dare. Thinking about that now is making me cringe. "Truth or Dare?", asked Jenny as the bottle was now pointing towards Maya. "Dare.", said Maya confidently. "Call the first person on your call log and say that you love them.", said Jenny with the same confidence. "Easy.", said Maya as she picked up her phone. "Who is it?", asked Sera, peeking into her phone. "It's my mom.", said Maya laughing. "Seriously?", I said in disbelief as I leaned towards Maya. "Yep! I'll call her now.", said Maya. "Well , that was no fun.", muttered Jenny under her breath. After that quick dare, we again spun the bottle and now it was pointing at Jenny. "Truth or Dare?", said Sera. "Truth.", said Jenny. "What's your deepest desire or wish?", asked Sera after thinking for sometime. A grin started spreading across Jenny's face and she answered," Shivi and Kyle to go out and then eventually get married." "What the hell Jenny? Marriage?", I asked Jenny in utter astonishment. "Oh, so you don't have a  problem with the "go out" part?", teased Sera. "I hate you all.", I said as I threw a pillow right at Sera's face. "You asked for it.", said Sera as she threw a pillow back at me. "PILLOW FIGHT.", screamed Maya. We all broke into laughter and started hitting each other. "You know Shivi? I am going to be the happiest girl alive when you admit to me that you are in love with him.", said Jenny as she shoved a pillow into my face. 

This must be our 100th sleepover now, I don't  even know. We were as usual sitting around in a circle but this time on my bed. I remember I was feeling nervous. I was planning to tell them about Jeff. I didn't know how they were going to react. All of them didn't exactly have a good impression of him. But I was determined. We were snacking on a bag of chips and simply enjoying each other's company. "Guys, I gotta tell you something.", I said while playing with the hem of my shirt. Everybody was now looking at me with undivided attention. I took a deep breath and said," Jeff asked me to be his girlfriend." "What?!", said Sera. "I'm not surprised.", said Jenny. "Me neither actually.", said Maya. "Oh.", said Sera as she looked at Jenny and Maya. "You guys looked serious about your dates.", said Maya. "Yeah, especially Jefferson. He's not joking around.", said Jenny. I felt relieved that they understood. "Exactly, I honestly misjudged the guy. He's actually really nice.", I said. "So you said yes?", asked Sera. I nodded. " Do you like him?", asked Jenny. "I don't know. Not yet. He said that he just wants me to give him a chance and that's it's okay if I don't like him right now.", I replied. "Wow, he's got it bad for you.", said Jenny, as she took a chip out of the bag. "Does Kyle know?", asked Maya. "I haven't said anything yet. But I'm assuming Jeff did.", I said. "Tell him anyways though. He's been eating my head off , asking me questions about what's going on between you two.", said Jenny. "What? He has?", I asked, confused. "Yeah. I told him to ask you not me. But he just shrugged and said that he doesn't care.", said Jenny. "The guy can't hide it. He's jealous. Like a lot.", said Sera. "Jealous? No way.", I scoffed. "Man, you're clueless.", said Maya shaking her head at me. "Two equally hot guys fighting over you? Wow.", said Sera, dreamily. "I don't understand all of you.", I said. "You will, sooner or later.", said Jenny, putting her hand on my shoulder. I still don't understand.


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