flightless bird

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"what a very gloomy and rainy day."

chaeyoung sighed as she took the view from outside of her apartment through the glass windows in her favorite apron. it was very gloomy outside, making her glass windows foggy.

but that was the complete opposite of what she's feeling right now.

her oh so precious, dimpled, ethereal boyfriend will be visiting her and she only has 2 hours to prepare her signature dishes just to welcome her boyfriend after a month of not seeing each other.

it makes her stomach do some summersault and her heart feels so warm knowing her man will be visiting her plus staying the night with her.

she concluded that in their 3- year relationship, it sucks that they'll be separated from around the globe, and at different timezone. fortunately, this pandemic was a big help for them to have their precious time alone together.

she just arrived from new york after going to the met gala, which was the most memorable event she'd ever experienced.  she met various artists like olivia rodrigo, rihanna and her friend talia. she also met her aussie friend troye who was very sweet. and, she took a selfie with the gigi hadid.

it was fun and amazing alright. with the YSL team by her side. and the support of her girls, family, and jae.

but on the other side, she was dead tired too, even though she got the chance to meet her friends abroad, nothing beats home with the love of her life.

jaehyun, her man, was also very busy due to his group's full-album comeback. chaeyoung had the chance to listen to the snippets from their album sticker, concluding that it's very neo and suits their type very well, including jaehyun.

she even made fun of him while videotaping herself drinking lemonade while dancing to lemonade, which made jaehyun feel so giggly and miss her even more.

they've been communicating through the phone. face-timing and chatting every day and night. it's lovely but nothing beats when they are both under the same roof.

they are so busy to the point jaehyun would message chaeyoung when she sometimes forgot to call him. but they understand what situation they are in because that's just their life progress.

chaeyoung cooked her signature dishes and arranged her table settings,  a couple of minutes passed. she wanted to do it extra special since it's been a long time since each had their presence together.

"i'll use candles to make the ambiance more romantic." chaeyoung giggled to herself as she ran towards her room, bringing her favorite scented candle.

after going back, arranging the table and making sure her house is neat, with hank waiting for his man at her door, she was convinced that everything is perfect. the only missing piece is jaehyun.

"okay, hankie. wait for your dad at the door." hank then barked and went straight to the door. chaeyoung even dressed herself in a pastel green- sundress that jaehyun gifted her on her birthday.

after setting the wine glass on the table, her phone immediately rang, shocking her a bit. she looked at the caller and smiled.

"hey." she answered. she could feel her heart swells with love as she heard jaehyun on the other line.

"hey, i'm in your apartment complex. i'll be right there." jaehyun answered with a sigh of relief. chaeng knows that damn tone of his placed a huge smile plastering on his face. it made her giggle.

"okay. keep safe! hankie is waiting for you." then she ended the call. she sighed, unlocked the door, and then proceed to hide behind her huge sofas. she wanted to do this ever since jaehyun called her.

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