Crush | クラッシュ

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          It's been 2 weeks since I had started managing the volleyball club. Noya-Senpai has been very bothersome, too. He is kinda cute, though.. His adorable laugh.. Cute energetic personality... OMG! What am I thinking!  I felt my face turn burn. Why do I feel like this? I'm going to ask my best friend.. (You'll NEVERR guess who >:-)

    I went searching for Yachi-Chan. Once I found her, I noticed she was staring at something. "Yachi-Chan?" I asked. Still, stating at SOMETHING! I look to see what it is she is focused on. "Wow, I never knew you liked Hinata-Kun!" I said with a pleasured smirk plastered onto my face. She blushed. "I d-do not! I never knew you knew him, though...?" "Yachi-Chan, I told you, he's on the Volleyball team." I started laughing non-stop. She has such a small brain capacity! "Oops! I forgot, sorry!" we started to both laugh, knowing she would forget those things, yet never school things. "Anyway... I need to ask you something," I told her once we stopped. "Sure, what is it?" she said, as we took a seat on the ground. "I think I like someone.. I'm not sure." Her eyes were covered in sparkles like they show in cartoons. "Ooooo~ Who's the lucky guy? I mean.. unless you're lesbian-" "I'm not! It's someone on the team." "What?" she looked a bit sad. "Don't worry, it's not Hinata-Kun." She sighed in relief. "You must like him a lot if you're that worried, though," I said, with a sly grin. "Oh, c'mon! Stop teasing me! I wanna know who!!" she exclaimed. The bell rang. "Awe, class is starting! I'll tell you later." "Alright, I won't forget." 

We said a quick goodbye and went to our classes.

                                                                  ~Time skip to during lunch~

    "I didn't forget! In fact, I couldn't stop thinking about what you said." Yachi told me, excited to hear my crush's name.                                                                                                                                                      "I mean, that's something new! Anyway, his name is Ni-" I was cut off by a voice. "Are you y/n?" A turned around. There was a 2nd-year girl behind me. Oh my God, she was SO beautiful! "Yeah, who's asking?" "Uhm, me, obviously?" Damn, what an attitude. "Okay.. What do you need?" "Follow me, please." She grabbed my wrist and led me to a quiet room. "What the hell!?" I was confused.                                                                                                                                                                                  "Oh, honey. You can't fake a smile from a mile away," she said. "W-What are you talking about?" I stuttered. "Your fake smile. Fake everything. You act all happy. Why, hm?" she had a mischievous grin on her face. "I-I am h-happy! W-What do you m-mean?!" "Stop pressuring yourself into getting a happy life. Obviously, you aren't meant to have one."                                                                     Who was this girl...           "Okay? No one's life is happy. Not yours, not mine, what do you want with me?" I replied. "Oh, I'm not stupid. I know about your little crush on your 'Noya-Senpai'." 

Who the hell is this girl? "You didn't answer my question." "Ah, right. How rude of me! Sorry, but you can't have him! He's mine. Not yours. Do you hear me? If you get anywhere near him, you'll be sorry, so don't talk to him, or else." "Yeah? Or else what?"                                                                        She started laughing like a maniac. "Oh, do you really want to know?"                                                       "Why else would I have asked?" "True." She took something out of her pocket. I couldn't see it at first, but she took a step closer, and I saw it was a knife. "Now. My name is Onaya (yes I took Ayano from Yandere Simulator and typed it backward). I'll show you what I can do." She took the knife and brought it closer to my face. I was so scared, I started to cry a bit. "What would happen if your face got a 'scratch'?"  She took the item and cut a piece of my cheek. "Mention this to no one. If anyone asks, say you fell." The moment she drew my blood, it felt like I was going to die at that very moment.  You remembered something... (will continue next chapter.)                                        "Y-Yes, ma-ma'am!" I said, terrified. 

That day, I knew I had made a new rival (SORRY I KEEP MAKING YANDERE SIM REFERENCES!). 

From that moment, I hadn't talked to Noya, either.

a/n: sorry this chapter is so crappy... QWQ

words: 715

The New Manager - Nishinoya x Reader [DISCONTINUED BECAUSE I'M RESTARTING]Where stories live. Discover now