The Past | 過去

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A/N: this is about your past, like why Onaya was talking to you about your "fake smile".

Age: 5

     "Y/N YOU'RE GOING TO FAST, STOP RUNNING!" your parents were chasing after you, you were running down a sidewalk, near a road. "I gonna won!" You yelled as you approached the road. Your parents always told you to check if there were any cars coming down the road, in case. You didn't do this, though. There was a car coming down the road, which your parents noticed "Y/N! STOP RUNNING!" You weren't paying attention. You continued and could've gotten run over by it. Well, could've because your mom pushed you out of the way before you could've died. You got a scrape on your knee since she pushed you out of the way. "Ouchie!" you exclaimed as your father came, he mumbled something. "What's wrong, Daddy?" you asked him. "T-That s-should've.. Nevermind. S-She m-might make i-it!" He took out his (cOoL kId) flip phone as fast as he could and called 911.

    Long story short, she didn't make it. Yes, she died. Your dad became depressed. Sometimes, he had a LITTLE too much to drink, and too many drugs, and abused you. Hitting, yelling, much more. He finished what he meant to say. "YOU BITCH, THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU! YOU SHOULD'VE DIED, NOT MY LATE WIFE!" 

Age: 12

One day, he felt too stressed, and when you came back from school, you saw him hung by a rope. You didn't know if you should be sad, mad, or happy. Finally, the end of the pain. Maybe... Just maybe.. For you, too? You went to your kitchen. You always wanted to do this but never had the chance. You took a knife and put it near your arm. You hesitated before you did it. You did cut yourself, but for a moment before you DID do that, you were considering calling 911. You started laughing and crying. You could've died there, but the mailman/woman noticed you never got the mail. One day, he opened the door and saw your Father, dead. "Oh my God..." the mailman/woman was the only one there for you, besides Yachi. "Y/n...?" Shit... You hid behind your bathroom door and locked it, too. Sadly, they heard you and came to the door. "Why are you hiding?" they questioned. You didn't answer. "Y/n, I'm going to call 911 (for the hospital, not the police.)." "Why," you said quietly. "Why? You might die!" "Why do you care?" "What have you done with yourself! You haven't gotten the mail in over a week." "Mail. Mail? What is the meaning of mail.. To send something saying, 'Oh, you need to pay! You can't have this place. we'll throw you out of it if you don't pay!' Then some billionaire will take it FROM you!" "Y/n... Please.. Just explain what happened here."                          That's what you did. You didn't tell her about the cuts, though...

(I want to get to the next chapter really bad, so I'm gonna explain this really fast) 

   You got to the hospital and explained what happened to the doctors and nurses. "Aw, you poor thing!" some of them said. others, "We'll get you a good home, don't worry!" That was 3 years ago, though. My home is unstable! No one is ever there. I don't mind it. I'm not over what I've been through throughout my life. This is one of the reasons you wear a sweater to school, every day. To hide what you've done to yourself. No one knows about this, not Yachi, not your foster 'parents' not anyone on the team. Well, now someone knew. 

A/N: The moral of this chapter is that a lot of people go through abuse and self-abuse. Don't do this, please. It's a book. Well, FanFiction, really. I hope you guys understand that even if you don't feel loved, someone loves you. That person is me! (:< I love you guys! Even though I don't know any of you, though. <3

words: 665

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