The New Girl | 新しい女の子

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                "Hey Y/N-Chan!" said a cheerful voice from behind. "Oh, morning, Yachi-Chan!" You gave her a warm smile. Her eyes were energetic "Did you hear!?" "Hear what?" "There's a new girl that's going to be joining us!" "Oh, nice!" She nodded, enthusiastically. "Hey, I think that's her!" she said, directing toward an average height and thin girl. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, a perfect body structure! "Damn, that might be the prettiest girl I've ever seen," someone whispered. I had to agree on it. She was beautiful!  Weirdly, she noticed us. She walked up. "Hi! I'm Sakura... I'm new, as you may notice. Can you help me out?" Wow, even her NAME was beautiful! "Y/n-Chan??" I perked up. "Oh! Hi, I'm Y/n. Sure, we can help. What with, though?" I heard her say something that sounded like, "Y/n, huh..? Finally found her..." I was unsure, though.                                                                                                                                                                                     "I want to join a club... I know, that sounds out of the blue! I really just want to make new friends."                                                                                                                                                                               "Alright... What kind?"  "I'm looking into a Volleyball club. Not to actually play, to help out." Wow. Sounds like she wants to manage a team? "Yeah, there's the girl's volleyball team. I don't know if they'll let you join or not. You'd have to ask." "Well... Is there a boy's volleyball team?" "Yeah, I'm actually a manager for it. There's another girl, too." "Awe, I guess I can't join, then... Thanks, anyway," she said, started to turn to walk away.                                                                                    "Wait! I COULD try to persuade the team to let you be in it..."  She turned around. "Really!?" "Yeah." "Oh my God, thank you so much, Y/n!" "You're welcome, Sakura-Chan." She smiled and walked away. A few people seemed to question why she would ask us out of all people.                       The bell rang, so we had to get to class.

                                                ( ͡O ͜ʖ ͡o) ~After School~ ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡O)

        I spotted Sakura, so I yelled over to her, "Hey, Sakura-Chan!  Wanna come?" She turned around. "Ooh! Hey Y/n. Sure!" she called back, so I showed her the way to the gym.

        Once we arrived, I quickly led her to where Shimizu-Sama and I usually stood during the boys' practice.                                                                                                                                                                             "Hey, Shimizu-Sama! I have someone here I'd like to introduce!" I hollered once she arrived. "Oh, hello, Y/n-Chan. Who is it?"  "Sakura?" I motioned for her to give an introduction. "Hello! I'm Sakura. I don't really like my other name, heh... I'd like to manage for the team!" Shimizu-Sama raised her eyebrows. "Well... I mean... I don't know if that's allowed, really..." "What's wrong, Shimizu-Sama?" I asked. "I don't think having 2 managers is allowed (since you're a manager in training, it's allowed, but if there are two during the time, may not be allowed), that's what I mean."                                                                                                                                                                              "Awe, that's alright. I'll leave," Sakura told us. "Wait!" I exclaimed. "What if the boys vote on it? Like in a month or so, they'll vote to choose who will be the next manager."                                        "Well, maybe... I would have to talk to the Coach and Sensei about it, though." I gave Sakura a gentle smile. 

        Most of the time, when the boys walked in, they saw Sakura and blushed. Even Tsukishima! Weird enough, Noya didn't even notice her, but when he walked in, Sakura was jumping and staring at him and blushing like a maniac. "Soo~ You got a crush on him?" I asked her.              "Wh-What?! I don't even know him... He's cute, though," she said. I had to agree. After a minute, Tanaka came up with Noya, though. "Wow, are you an angel!?" Tanaka exclaimed to Sakura. "Tanaka, leave her alone. You too, Noya." "What did I tell you to call me?" "Do I have to!?" I groaned. "Yes, you do. Respect the upperclassman! Now, what are you to call me?"  "N-Noya-Senpai..." I said quietly. "Hm? A little louder." I repeated it, a little louder, but barely. "Huh? Am I deaf? Can't hear you!" "NOYA-SENPAI. HAPPY?" I said a little TOO loud. "Yes, very." I rolled my eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                       Sakura leaned over and whispered into my ear, "The real question is, do YOU like him?~"                 "S-SAKURA! WHY WOULD YOU A-ASK THAT!?" I replied. "You make it sound like it is the worst thing to ever ask, on the entire planet." "I mean... Kinda is, not gonna lie..." I pointed out

words: 729

The New Manager - Nishinoya x Reader [DISCONTINUED BECAUSE I'M RESTARTING]Where stories live. Discover now