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Gus's pov
I had looked forward to spending time with bexey all night, and I almost felt like it was wierd to pay me for something I was ecstatic to do.
We went on a walk after I managed to get him to eat about two bites of his breakfast, which was a struggle.
I noticed quite a few people stopping to stare at the small boy with black eyes, they'd probably seen him a hundred times before yet they got quiet. I felt guilty as I remembered times I had stared before and once when I saw him from behind and cat-called him.
Bexey seemed to ignore the looks and comments as he observed a large spider in its web that crawled into his hands. He cradled it, inspectioning it as we walked.
"Hey, Bexey?"I said, splitting the silence.
"Yeah?" He replied, yet to take his eyes off the spider.
"I'm sorry people stare at you, and I'm sorry I've been one of them before."
"I'm not." He replied in an uninterested tone.
He looked up at me, holding out the spider. "He wants you to hold him." He said.
"No!" I called. "I don't wanna."
"Why not?" He said with a sinister grin plastered all over his face, knowing I was afraid of his damn spider.
"If you were really sorry you'd hold him." He said slyly and I groaned and held out my hands feeling the hairs on my neck stand up as he put him in my hands.
"Okay I hELd hiM tAkE hiM baCK tAkE hiM bACk" I almost begged and that cute little fucker started giggling his ass off.
He took the spider out of my hands and kissed the top of the insects head letting it crawl onto his lips and run around on his face, smiling up at me with glossy dark eyes with a bug getting to touch him more than I got to, but at least he seemed happy.

(Thank u guys for being sweet and telling me to update and stuff, it's warms my gross little heart lol)

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