The First kill

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"He has betrayed our trust. And once our trust has been betrayed, there are consequences. I want him gone!"


"Done? Do you need a few weeks?"

"No. It will be done by tomorrow morning and you will have his body."

"Can you guarantee that?"

"Has King ever broken her word?"

It has been a while since Danny has asked me to go on a kill spree for him. But then again, I took his kill on the last one. I guess this is his way of showing forgiveness even though I don't want it, even though I never asked for it. I'm not the type to ask for forgiveness and I don't plan on being that type. I have a secret, another identity. That's all apart of being King, being me.

It is 1 in the morning and very dark out. The street lights are still on here in Miami the moon is lit across the water under the bridge that I cross to get to and from my home. My alarm went off about 30 minutes ago,which gave me enough time to grab a shower, put on my black leather pants, matching leather, zip up tube top, socks and fix me some cereal. After I finished eating, I put on my black, leather boots with a 4 inch heel,zipped them up, grabbed my leather jacket and my keys. As I walked out of my house I locked the door. I got in my silver Audi, and drove away.

When I arrived, I put on the hood that was attached to my jacket, grabbed my gun, connected the silencer and went into the hotel. There was only one person at the front desk and she was the only person around in the well lit lobby.

"What room is Davon Harrison in?", I asked

She typed on the computer for a minute, "703. It's on the seventh floor", she answered eventually, handing me a key card.

"Thank you.", I said kindly with a smile, raising my gun over the counter and putting a bullet in her brain. Not giving her time to scream.

I didn't take the elevator, that would have been risky leaving my finger prints on the button to open it, so I found the stairway and went up the stairs. When I got to the seventh floor I found the room to be the first on my left side. I put my ear to the door and I heard water running, like it was from the shower. I took the key card and unlocked the door. To be cautious, while opening the door and going inside, I lead with my gun. There were clothes, both belonging to a male and female, and empty Hennessy bottles on the floor. He had soft music playing and I heard moaning coming from the shower.

"Have you some decency?", I whisper lightly.

I took this opportunity to look through the drawers but I didn't find what I was looking for, so I looked in his suit case. I found what I was looking for finally and I took it. The water from the shower stopped and I grabbed a seat to wait for Harrison to come out of the shower. He did eventually, his back towards me and the prostitute leading him.

She screamed.

"You like it don't you.", Harrison said thinking he was the reason for her action.

"N-no.....L-l-look.", she said stuttering trying to get her words out.

"Yeah Harrison, look.", I say sarcastically with a sly grin.

He turns around quickly,holding his towel. "Look King, i can explain.", He says with a worried look on his face.

"I don't need your damn explanation. Tell her to leave and give her your money if you hadn't.", I demand

He does as I command and I wait until she closes the door behind her. A few seconds had passed before my laugh broke the silence. He was trembling in fear. He couldn't even keep his lips from twitching.

"Harrison?", I asked getting up with a grin walking over to him, "What made you think you could just betray us and not get caught?".

"L-look King, I'm sorry I really am, but I was forced to do it. I rea-",he managed to say before I shot him in his left foot making him fall down screaming.

"I don't do excuses bitch. Now tell me what all you told them.", I commanded.

"Nothing. I swear. I told them nothing.", He said lowly still holding his foot.

I squat down to be level with him. Exam him. Look him in the eyes until he looked away. I grabbed him by his wet hair and snatched his head back. He grumbled at my action.

"Your dead to us." I state standing up looking down on him. I lift my gun, pointing it between his eyes, pulling the trigger placing a bullet right there. He falls back instantly, eyes still open. I took out my phone and dialed a number. It eventually stopped ringing, they answered.

" It's done.", I inform them.

"It's done?", He questions me.

"Yes dammit, its done. Do you want me to send you pictures? Cut his body into pieces and send them to your doorstep?", I asked irritated.

"No, no. I'm good", he answers.

"Okay then.", I say ending the call.

I took one last look at Harrison's body. He was laying on the floor looking at the ceiling, yet he sees nothing. The blood quickly spreading from his head to the floor. I stepped over his corpse and left the room,closing the door behind me.

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