The Return

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I took the finished project home, sitting in silence the whole way there. I didn't know what so say, or even think. My mind is cluttered with thoughts, memories and much more. I remember cleaning the blood and leaving the corpse with Edwards. It took hours to do. No one can come back from the dead. That's a well know fact. I know that fact.

"You never answered my question.", She pointed out.

She does look different for a project but I won't complain.

"What question?", I ask.

"Do you believe in the resurrection?"

"I don't think I have a choice now.", I admitted. She only smiled and turned to look out the window, "Do you remember that diner we used to go to?

"Of course. They have the best fries, juicy-est burgers and largest milkshakes in Florida.", She answered reminiscing.

"Want to go there to grab a bite to eat?", I asked.

The rest of the ride home was silent.

When we got to the house, it was late. I got Jocelyn's bag that Edwards gave her out of the car and led the way into the house locking the car door behind me. I showed her to a empty guest room where she could stay.

"You movin' up ain't ya'.", She complements me.

"Yeah. K.K treating me right. You can stay for as long as you need."

"Nah. I'll be out of here by dawn tomorrow",I replied.

I nodded before turning away and heading out of the room.

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