Jimin : cuddle buddy

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5:59 A.M.

I never went to bed. I'm still up. My alarm goes off.

6:00 A.M.

Yay. Another day of nothing. I get up and take a quick shower. Brush my teeth, get dressed, walk downstairs. Same thing I do every morning. I let Jimin and the other stay the night again because I don't like being alone.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Jimin back hugs me as I sit in the stool playing on my phone. "Fine." I lie. It's pointless living everyday if this is all I do.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Jimin looks down at me and then sits next to me to see what I'm doing. "Yes." My eyes would barely open but I just have to fight through it. The others wake up and hang out in the bedroom.

"Yah Y/n!" Jin calls out and I slowly move my head up to his eyes. "Can I cook? I know you haven't eaten....nor slept." He takes a closer look at me. A tear falls from my face without me realizing it.

I force myself out of the stool and try to walk to my room. "Y/n!"

I blackout and that's the last I remember.

. . .

I wake up in a hospital bed and feel slightly uncomfortable. "You're awake." The doctor gently places medication on my lap. "You have insomnia. Take this medication it can help you. Maybe get a bear or turn on the Television for some extra sound. Personally I think someone should be in the room with you to help. You're free to go." The doctor leaves the room and the guys stand there with worried faces.

"I'm sorry." I mumble. I'm always messing things up and now I'm stressing them out. Great.

The gather around me and bring me in a big hug. "Jimin caught you before you hit the ground." Namjoon mumbles in my arm. "Thank you Jiminie." They let me go but I quickly give Jimin a hug. "If you would've hit the ground you would still be asleep with a coma." Jin points out. "Stop talking or I'll cry." Jimin giggles in my arms.

"What time is it?" Jimin let's me go and checks his phone. "4:40." I look at him in shock. "I've been sleeping for that long?" I raise my brows and grab my Nike slides. "Yeah. How do you feel?" Jungkook helps me up. "A tiny bit energized. I can walk on my own you know." I smile.

"I don't care." Jungkook picks me up bridal style and hands me over to Jimin. He blushes and puts me down gently. "See. This is why we want you to live with us. Things like this. Do you know what could've happened to you if Jimin wasn't there to grab you?" Jin crosses his arms and goes in.

"Oppa! Shut it." I walk out of the room and wait for Jin to stop rambling. "I am older-"

"And I'm younger. Mouth. Shut." I put my hand over his plump lips. "I don't find this fair." I feel Jin pout and it cracks me up. I pinch his cheek and slightly push him. Jimin grabs my hand throwing me off a little. "Admit you have a crush on Y/n." Taehyung teases him.

"Taehyung~" Jimin grits his teeth. I know he likes me just as well as Iike him too. I don't know why but I the place that we are in right now.

. . .

"But I don't have clothes-"

"I already packed your bag. Made me uncomfortable but here." Yoongi hands me my dufflebag. I lay on the couch and watch TV with the others. I take my medication without them noticing so they don't worry about me and feel myself drift off to sleep.

7:58 P.M.

I wake up with a blanket over my body and a pillow under my head. My body reacts horribly to being alone. A tear streams down my face and I start feeling scared. I grab my pillow and go upstairs to Jimin's room. I lightly knock on his door.

Knock Knock

The door opens revealing Jimin looking like he just woke up in his hoodie. "You okay?" Jimin rubs his eyes and takes a look down at me. "Y-Yeah. Sorry." I get away from him but he chases after me and wraps his arms around me.

Jimin picks me and brings me to his room. He shuts the door and gently takes my pillow from me. "Sleep with me tonight. You look afraid." Jimin replaces the pillow with himself, bringing me into a passionate hug. "Why's your hearting racing?" Jimin questions me.

"I don't know."

He wipes my tears and tells me to lay in his bed. "I'll be your new cuddle buddy."

And with that I drift off to sleep, in his arms.

I know this is shorter than other stories but shit why not

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