Chapter 6

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Felicia Hardy smiled as she walked in a room with a Doctor Kafka

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Felicia Hardy smiled as she walked in a room with a Doctor Kafka. Doctor Kafka had been the head scientist at Colombia University when they were developing the super spider experiment. Felicia had wondered about the possibility that these, super spiders had something to do with Spider-Man abilities.

"Ms. Hardy, let me be honest with you. I'm rather surprised that you expressed interest in such an old experiment such as the super spiders." Dr. Kafka told Felicia as she and took a seat across from Felicia.

"Well, Dr. Kafka... I'm simply surprised that nothing much came from such a promising experiment. Tell me, what happened to these so called super spiders?" Felicia asked curiously. Dr. Kafka sighed.

"While I may have been head scientist during those days... I was not the head the the entire science division itself. No. That was a man named Spencer Smythe. Apparently, some people at Quest Aerospace learned of the experiment we were running and wanted to buy the spiders from us. We tried to explain that the spiders could not yet be moved very far from their containers but the employees were very persistent, saying a very wealthy shareholder within the company desired those spiders. Smythe, despite our warning moved the spiders in an attempt to get a large check from Quest... but the spiders died... however... one was missing. We found it's corpse on the ground where a few Midtown High Students were taking a tour of the place... but we did not know how it had escaped." Dr. Kafka explained to Felicia. Felicia had tried to hide her disappointment at hearing that the spiders were dead, but to her credit, she hid it well.

"And what were you trying to accomplish with these super spiders?" Felicia asked. Dr. Kafka smiled a passionate smile as she looked at the younger woman.

"Control over evolution. Imagine, if we could enhance the traits of spiders without any drawbacks... how then, could we transfer on to enhancing the traits of humanity? I believe that we as humans have not reached our fullest potential, and if we could push animals to peak, then perhaps we could then push humanity to it's peak as well." Dr. Kafka replied. This caught Felicia's attention.

"So then... do you believe that your experiment could have eventually led into the creation of Spider-Man?" Felicia asked. Dr. Kafka froze. She had never thought of that. Could her spiders been the base of these super humans that have appeared throughout the city?

"I'm not sure. Maybe eventually if we were able to learn how to manipulate human DNA... but as is now... I doubt it." Dr. Kafka replied. Felicia smiled.

"Still... what a promising experiment the super spiders were. If only Quest Aerospace didn't interfere... why do you think Quest wanted the spiders? Who at Quest could have been so interested in them?" Felicia asked. Dr. Kafka shrugged.

"I wish I knew those answers... but knowing how Quest Aerospace operated before the mysterious bombing of one of their test sights... before it collasped as it tried to expand and, according to rumor, buy out Oscorp... they likely wanted to weaponize the data that went into the super spider project." Dr. Kafka explained. Felicia nodded before Dr. Kafka handed her some papers.

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