Chapter 20: Welcome Ame

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Nox let out a deep sigh as he sat down in his office. It's been a mess, he don't know what willl happen next.

Two days had passed and Ame will leave to Valencia now. He's afraid that if he sees her off she will only be more angry.

There was a large pile of papers to be check on his desk, these documents are due next week but he's to worn out to even lift a pen. For the past two days he never left his office, he slept and ate there, he didn't even go out to see Carys and Arya, nor did he bother to.

For a hour he just stared at the mountain of papers, not knowing what to do. For the first time he's at lost, he never thought this will happen, they seemed happy just a month ago. Ame and him got closer, Carys and Arya is still the same, everything is going well since he got the letter.

He was so happy when Ame started called him father, therefore he prefered to be called Papa or something. But of course he wouldn't voice that out, it's embarrassing.

He reached out and got a worn letter, a letter his late wife wrote for him. He gently open it, seeing the beautiful calligraphy made him calm down a little.

'To my dear friend and husband Nox,

Many years have passed already, I hope everything is going well for you and your future wife and family. Just don't forget my baby alright? Or else I'll go and kill you in your sleep!

Nox, do you even remember the first time we met? It's just a day before our wedding, strange that we got along well, we were so different. Then, after all the vows and ceremonial thingy, our not so happy story unfolds.

I hope you already forgave yourself, because you've done nothing wrong. I am the one who shall not be forgiven, for all the things I did to you, I'm sorry. But you just let it passed, you even helped me, I'm so thankful for you, even if I pushed myself on you, I know you can't return it but I was so stubborn Ahahaha.

You're such a great husband and I know you will be a great father, and don't blame yourself if I die, it's just a reminder because I feel like you'll do that. Goodbye, I love you partner.

From your Amazing wife,
Zurie-sama ♥'

Zurie never failed him, she always makes him smile, but after all those years they've been together, Nox never felt any romantic feelings towards her. He tried to, but he just can't, because you could never force love.

Him and Zurie aren't actually in a bad term, in fact they're friends, best of friends. That's why Nox never really minded when Zurie told him her feelings, actually, he thought that if she loves him mabye he will love her back.

But Zurie became obsessive, to the point where she drugged him just to sleep with her, and to the point where she threatened and tried to kill people when they got close to him, and she even tried to kill Nox for talking to a butler.

Nox endured it, even if he feels suffocated. But that's another story for another chapter.

(A: ÒWÓ)

Shut up, Author.

(A: Wha-What did I doooo?! (┳Д┳))

"Zurie... What will I do?" Nox leaned back and stared at the ceiling.

"Why am I such a coward? Unlike you I can't express these stupid feelings. When our daughter glared at me the first time I saw her again when she was a baby..."

"I glared back by reflex. Ah I'm such an idiot." Nox covered his face with his hand in shame. 

"Our daughter looks just like you, but she got my nose. She tend to push people away, but when you already got to know her, she's so cute. She called me father, but I wish she would call me papa or daddy, she refers to you as mom, the way she calls you is much more better than she calls me..."

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