Chapter 24: Hell no!

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(Yes. This is the real one.)

"This" means they're speaking in korean.

"Who are you." I said as I look at the pink haired girl in front of me. Arya is nervously playing with her fingers, averting her gaze. Tch. I may look calm yet like a ticking bomb I'm gonna blow any second now.

"W-Why should I tell-"

"If you don't want me to ruin your pretty little face you better speak. I'm not here to play games."

She flinch as if she has been hitted, she looks like a puppy who has been beaten. Hmph! As if she's as innocent as she looks! I let out a sigh. My head is pounding, I've been holding myself back, trying my best not to hurt her.

Her cheeks are already swollen from my slaps, what will happen if I punch her? She might have a shattered face if I did that.

"Ugh. Look. If you really don't want to say anything then don't. I just want you to fuck off and leave me and my love ones be, I did that to you why can't you do the same for me?"

"You?! Did the same for me?! You took my father's attention! I was supposed to be love! Yet now he hates me because of you! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Soon crocodile tears fell from her eyes.

"I just want to be love... Now I have the chance to be... But you ruined it all! YOU RUINED MY DREAMS!-"


She then look at me in shock, as my angry eyes clash to her own pink ones. "Now you're saying I ruined everything?! When you're the one who tried to steal everything I have! Aren't you too thick skinned?! Destiny is with your side! You have a whole family! A bunch of males that loves you with all their heart! It's your own greediness who led you to this! So don't push the blame on me!"

She cried and whimpered making my eye twitch uncontrollably. Why the fuck do I look like I'm the villain here and she's the one who've been wronged?!

If someone would look at us without knowing what we're saying, they would've thought I'm bullying this weak girl.

I clench my fist trying to calm my shaking nerves, I don't want to hurt her. For the sake of Nox, aunty and the happy memories she gave me.

Thre was an uncomfortable silence between us, no one dared to speak. No one wants to talk to each other either, because we both know that our talk will only turn into screaming.

My eyes suddenly lost it's light. This is the only way I could think off, I don't want to cause trouble yet I don't want to be hurt. I don't want to die, not now that I have them beside me.

This world revolves around her. If I fight her it will only cause the end of me.

Because a petty villainess like me only have one ending, a bad one.

You know what? I don't care anymore, I just want her to leave me alone. For the sake of both of us, let's all forget that we even cross paths.

"I, Amethyst Lucine Valencia. Will never, ever, idle with your fucking business. You can have anything that you want. If that what makes you happy, then I, will cut all my ties with you and your family. But in one condition, you will also have to leave me and my family alone." I said, wanting to end everything. I'm too old for this shit.

I was about to leave and tell grandpa Max that we should go back to Valencia, when I suddenly hear her annoying voice.

"Pfft. YOU THOUGHT I WOULD LEAVE YOU ALONE?! BITCH IT'S TOO LATE NOW! I WILL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NOTHING LEFT! I WILL TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU-" I quickly ran towards her and punch her in the face making her unconscious.

There, problem solved.

'Why haven't I thought about this? I've endured o much.'

This bitch thought I would let her fucking be. I was about to take a step back yet she fucking done it. She's too noisy! My ears can't take her screams.

I look at her sleeping face, I can't believe I said she was cute, right now I can only see a banshee that doesn't know anything but to scream. If his banshee wants to be my human punching bag, then I would gladly oblige.

She thought I would give her another chance after giving her one once? Ohoho. No.

I will make sure, she will give up. She will experience hell once she step foot in the academy, brought by your one and only villainess. ME. But let's go cling on Amon so that I will still survive even if I bully the shit out of her.

Looks like I can't live my life lazily for now.

"Do you think Lucine will beat the shit out of your other daughter?" Maximus said to a chained up Nox. When Ame fought back to Arya's slap, they know shit is about to go down, that's why Maximus quickly took the frozen Nox who looked really terrified.

Nox only glared at Maximus, unamused. He knew nothing good will happen if the two met, yet he can't say no to Ame.

Nox is at lost, just a moment ago he saw the both of his daughter speak some foreign language that he never knew. It's like his daughters suddenly became strangers, it's like he doesn't know a thing about them.

Nox released a deep sigh, he thinks it really is the best if he let them be. It's just a small sibling fight nothing wrong will happen, right?

"You have to relax, do you want some cookies?" Maximus who saw the tense Nox said, raising up a cookie that he already bit.

(A: This is gonna be an indirect kiss everyone. (◎_◎))

...Author why?

(A: I'm here to ruin everything. (●__●))

Kindly fuck off please. I'm trying to narrate.

Ehem. Nox without thinking nodded, his eyes lit up when he taste the cookie. It's not that sweet, just what he likes.

"See? It taste good right?"

"Who made this?"

"Lucy did. For you, your wife and your other daughter." What he said suddenly made Nox sulk. How can he enjoy this when his family is in another problem again.

When will this shit fucking end.


"Pfft- Ahahahahaha!" A charming laugh echoed around the walls of the cafeteria, making everyone look at the owner of the voice.

There they saw two hawt boys, one looking at an orb while the other is facepalming at his master.

Amn just saw his fiance punch her sister, and the useless girl was left unconscious after just one punch. How amusing can it be.


He can't understand what they're saying yet Amon can tell her sister is being a bitch. That annoying pink haired girl kept clinging on him whenever he visits Ame.

He just wants to yeet the girl away and spend all of his precious time with Ame but no! He can't do anything but endure because he knows that if he did that Ame will hate him.

He release a chuckle seeing Ame walk out like nothing happened. If Ame is by his side everytime, he will never get bored.

But. How will he make her stay?

(A: How about locking her up-)



I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, I ran out of inspiration.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.
( ´ ▽ ' )ノ

Chapter 24, Complete!

Reincarnated as a Villainess: This Miss is Really Lazy! [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now