Act :14 danger

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Hoseok cried for hours until no more tears were left.

He slowly got off the floor and walked weakly in to the living room.

"Jimin what do want for lunch!!!" Hoseok shouted.

But nothing.

"Jiminie what do you wanna eat?!!" He shouted again but nothing, complete silence in the apartment.

"Jimin!!" He yelled as he began to search around.

"Jimin come on!!"

"I'm not playing!!"

"This isn't funny!!"

Hoseok search his room, Jimin's room, the bathrooms but nothing.

The little pink haired angel was no where to be found.

"Where did he go?" Hoseok asked as he began to panic.

Then he remembered.

"Leave, just leave and don't come back"

"Did he really believe my words" Hoseok said in shock.

"Omg what have I done" Hoseok panicked.

Hoseok started to breathe heavily as he looked for his phone.

He looked for Yoongi's number but remember that the older told him not to call unless he was ready to talk.

Instead he dialed Jin's number.

"H-hyung" Hoseok's voice trembled.

"Hoseok! What's wrong?!" Jin asked concerned.

"It's jimin he's gone and it's my fault"hoseok face was dripping with hot tears.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked.

"Yoongi and I had an argument and yoongi left and then I said something stupid to Jimin and now he's gone" hoseok explained.

"Okay calm down, where making a magic circle to your apartment then we can all look for him together" Jin reassured.

~Min corporate - 11:30 am~

Yoongi sat in his CEO's chair as he finished up some paperwork but he felt drained.

"This morning could have gone better" yoongi stated to himself.

Yoongi remembers the very expression hoseok made as he begged for him to not leave.

Yoongi felt a pang in his heart because it was the same expression he had when they first met.

Completely lost and alone. He doesn't want to hurt hoseok, he would never wished that on to the younger but he doesn't know what else to do.

"Yoongi" someone called.

"Namjoon" yoongi called back.

"There's problem" namjoon informed.

"What do you mean a problem?" Yoongi asked.

"One of the level six demons found away to escape hell and is now roaming the streets of the human world" namjoon stated.

"What?!! How?!!" Yoongi yelled

"We don't know yet but I already sent Jungkook's military task team to apprehend him"  Namjoon informed.

"Okay that's good but I hope Jungkook can catch him before he causes too much trouble" yoongi stated.

Okay information time.

There are two categories of hell.

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