When They First Saw "The Soulless Dooms-Day":

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The first time that the then "Huggable One/Doctor of Huganomics" and "The Goddess of WWE", aka Bayley and Alexa Bliss, saw "The Soulless Dooms-Day" himself was a day that they would never forget. 

It was on one of those very rare days off at the time when they didn't have a show to go to, they didn't have any interviews or fan meet-and-greets to go to - just a day off to really relax and get their minds off of things before their respective next show(s).

At the time, the duo and some of their friends like Ember Moon, Nia Jax, Natalya, Nikki Cross and Naomi had decided to see what was going on in other promotions and see what was going on in the world of non-WWE wrestling. 

That was when they stumbled across a name that surprised them a little and caught their interest, though probably for different reasons. The person in question was a rising hardcore wrestler in the indies and Japanese scene nicknamed "The Soulless Dooms-Day" Damon Archangel.

They had heard of him in the past, or at least rumors going about him and what they could pick up from the former Dean Ambrose, aka Jon Moxley, when he was still around. According to Moxley, the two were apparently really good friends, but from what they had learned from other sources: he was a like a maniacal hardcore wrestler who just loved to hurt his opponents with anything he can get his hands on. 

Tables, tacks, barbed wire, steel bins, you name it he'll use it. They hadn't seen any of his matches though yet, for reasons even they did not know.

What caught their interests though in this case was that there was a post on Instagram that was promoting a special Death Match that was being promoted at the time for ICW between "The Soulless Dooms-Day" himself and, of all people, Jimmy Havoc! 

"Oh that looks like a good match!" Nikki says to that with excitement, to which they decided to watch ICW and see what the show had to offer. The show was really good, and it seemed like Nikki enjoyed seeing what the show had to offer since she was last there.

Then...then came the match in particular, which was the main event! And the one who came out first was....

As Jimmy F***in Havoc made his way to the ring, he ended up throwing god knows what into the ring within less than a minute of getting to the ring, despite the fact that there was already lord knows how many weapons on the outside of the ring by this point!

When his music did stop playing, and whilst he looked like he was almost begging silently with his hands for "The Soulless Dooms-Day" to get to the ring once he had finally entered the ring - the crowd chanting "Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy Fucking Havoc!" whilst this was all going on - the lights began to go down...and then a smoke-like fog began to fill the arena as a sort of synthetic breathing sound briefly filled the venue for a brief few seconds...and then the sound of screaming could be heard before a new, rather sinister kind of music began to sound in the background...

The crowd went ballistic as the music began to play, and very soon after it began to play: "The Soulless Dooms-Day" began to appear slowly from the backstage area out to the ramp in a creepily scary and sinister walk, armed with a barbed wire bat and a bag full of lords knows what, with only a single sinister looking light shining down onto the guy as he made his way into the venue. 

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