Chapter Four

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Michael and I were almost inseparable. He loved talking to me and I loved hearing him tell stories. I told him everything about what has happened in the world over the years since his passing.

"I watched the fans when I was in heaven and God kept me well take care off. And because I wasn't in anymore pain, I made it to the golden gates of heaven. Jesus appeared and told me how I died, because I'd been asleep for a long time.

"So how did you die"? Eric Carr asked.

Michael's facial expression turned sad. "A man named Murray gave me some drugs, they were called anesthetic propofol and anxiolytic lorazepam. I suffered from drug overdose, which later on caused my cardiac arrest, and then I was pronounced dead at 5o years old".

I hugged him gently and he kissed my cheek, making me blush.

"Aww, that's so sad". The Fox sniffed, blowing his cute Italian nose with a tissue.

"We hired Tommy Thayer here to be the Spaceman since Ace Frehley had already officially left the band for good. And then we brought back Eric Singer to be the second Catman. But we still have respect for our other members who were in the band in the past".

Paul smiled politely, and Tommy and Eric shook hands with the king of pop.

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