What IF -

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What if all my emotions are for nothing? 

What if you don't really love me? 

What if you leave because you finally see I am not good enough?

What if you get tired of me and leave when it gets tough? 

What if I am wasting all my emotions?

What if the love I feel inside is one sided?

What if you realize that you can have the prettiest and handsomest person in the world?

 What if I planned my whole future around you, but you're still unsure if you want to be there?

What if you realize I am only human? That no matter what I am may never make you as happy as someone else can.

What if when we're far apart you begin to wonder about somebody new, someone who can make you happier than you ever knew?

 Someone who can love you, more than you can ever see me loving you. 

What if I am just a basket case nothing more than a worthless face in this world?

Just because sometimes I am cruel to myself, and say I am not worthy, don't just leave me, just because I am imperfect. 

If you want to go.. I understand, just don't ghost me, or leave me on read. Please, just say it.. face-to-face instead. 

If you leave me without a trace. It means you are still stuck being a boy. But if you let me know, and be honest and tell me, you want to let me go, I will still understand. 

I will see you then... as a man.

(Or woman, sorry guys this was a personal poem.. I tried to gender neutralize it as best as I can til the end.)

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