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I can feel you, in the way you move. I am the one you want and I think I want you. Yet I am so stuck, thinking about who.. 


Who else do you say these things to?

 It can't be only me.. No that can't be true.

Who else had their hands upon your chest?

It wasn't only me, maybe that's why I'm stressed.

Who else kissed the lips of my sweet Danger?

The person that I once counted as a Stranger.

Who else hugged the body of my Tranquility?

Who loved my heart with all its Fragility.

Who else touched my pretty little Heart?

If I turned it away, will it be Smart?


Oh, I am so sorry. 

I know I am just worrying.  

You said I should trust you.

Could I do so and not Lust for you? 

You say you love me.

I don't know if it is factual.

What if I stay and it isn't real? 

What if it isn't actual?

I know, I know. 

It is getting late.

Alright, Alright.

I take the bait. 

You are mine.

I take that leap of faith.

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