I Remember.

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You remind me of someone I used to know.  Someone strong in their heart but not in their bones. 

I remembered their eyes and what they used to say. So many years of wisdom, but now their hairs were going grey. 

No one wanted to listen to them, for they were just an old fool. But I remember them sharing their memories, including their favorite food. 

The Bible was their closest friend, and they took it with them till the very end. 

Why oh why do I bring them up today? It is because some days you need to dig up your past, to remember who you are, where you came from, and who helped shape your minds this very day. 

This is for those who lost their grandparents, or someone older and wiser that mean't something to them. As I remember my wisdom filled friend, sit back today think of those who meant something to you.

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