Bens history project

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The cool summer air blowing in my face, I never wanted to let that moment to end, it just felt so peaceful. "Come on Richie" stan said as we were walking twords the cliff with bill and Eddie. "L-logie?" "As always billam" I spit off the cliff watching it plop into the water beneath us. One by one they all did there logies, I'm not gonna lie they were pretty good. Then it got to Eddie, watching as his logie fell right in front of him. " that was terrible, I win" "you win? Did you see the size of my logie?" I always kinda liked when Eddie got mad, I like how his brows fused together and his mouth open just the slightest bit. It weird how I noticed every little detail about him, I mean we have been bestfriends since....well, forever really. "So wh-whos go-onna g-go f-first?" We all looked down. This happened all the time, no one would want to jump well becuase it high as fuck. "Ill go" we turned around to see miss beverly marsh taking off her dress and jumping off the cliff saying "sissys" on the way down.

"Holy shit! We just got shorted by a girl!"

"Do we have to do that now?"


Then one by one we grew balls and jumped off the cliff. Splashing each other and laughing. I noticed how Ben could not keep his eyes off of bev tho. His face said it all...Ben was in love with bev. Wow, good job do you want a medal? God I'm so fucking dumb, it's so fucking obvious.

"Richie stop, your getting me wet" Eddie said blocking his face with his hands.

"That's what your mom said last night"

"RICHIE!" coming over and pushing my head under water.

I felt something touch my foot down there so I quickly jumped up and freaked out.

"What? What happened?" Eddie said scared.

"Something touched my foot" I said seeing if I could see what was down there.

"I cant see shit" which made bill come over

"Its a t-turle"

The boombox playing and bev playing down with her glasses on. We were all staring at bev, mabye because she was a girl and we never talked to a girl or ever get a chance to look a one. Beverly was pretty, really pretty, she cut her hair last time we saw her. I think she looked better, but she looked good as always. She turned around twords us as we all looked away. I sat next to Ben looking in his bag. "New splash Ben, schools out for summer, what's this" picking up a postcard that had something written on it but I didn't have a chance to see what it said because Ben ripped it out of my hands and said "its nothing". "What's with the history project? And why is it all about missing kids?" I said passing it to my good old pal stan the manz. "Derry is not like any town iv been in before, the missing rate is 6 time the national average, and that's just adults, kids are worse, way worse. I got more stuff at my house if you wanna see?" "S-sure b-ben" bill said smiling, but I could also see how interested he was in Ben's history project shit.

We all headed to Ben's house, it wasnt that far. "No it was like super big last year" "yeah, no, I-" I was talking to Eddie about the carnival I went with bill last year.

Ben's room it was, well, um, there was stuff everywhere and not like clothes and shit just articals and stuff. It was kinda weird. I went twords a wall with a whole bunch of papers on it withe Eddie,stan and ben. "Pretty cool right?" You could kinda tell ben was trying to be cool, I mean the kid had no friends, I kinda felt bad, but then I had to fuck it up...agian. "no, no, nothing cool" if im being honest, I don't really want to spend my summer looking into missing kids. We talked about more of the stuff that's been happening, it was weird. I always known that there was something fucking wrong with this town. We just have to figure out what it is.

hello to my goodbye ~ Sad ReddieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon